King's Business - 1923-01


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Is th e Bible th e Word of God? The Sunday School Times Co., sends out this new book by W. Graham Scroggie, au th o r of many good books. The w riter shows th a t: (1) The Bible seems to be th e Word of God, from the evidence of history and from its con­ tents. (2 ) The Bible claims to be the Word of God. (3 ) The Bible proves to be th e Word of God by the witness of th e individual and th e w itness of Christianity. An excellent book for one professing to have “ intellectual difficulties.” Price, $1.00, Reigning in Life This book by J. E ast H arrison is printed by th e Sunday School Times Co. It is a series of h eart-to -heart talks on God’s provision for victory over sin. The au th o r shows th a t the sinner can do nothing by his own activity to se­ cure his release from th e power of sin and th a t the only way is through the Victorious Christ. Price, $1.50. Evangel Booklets We are glad to see the Moody Colpor- tage Association getting out a series of booklets containing vital messages th a t can be sold a t 10 cents each and 12 for $1.00. Since th e tim e when it became necessary to advance the price of Col- portage books which formerly could be gotten for 15 cents, it has been difficult to procure messages th a t could be wide­ ly circulated by th e Christian of lim ited means. The six booklets of the Evan­ gel series have a strong appeal. (1) God is Love—Moody. (2 ) God Reach­ ing Down— Spurgeon. (3 ) Gabriel and Michael, Angels— Stroh. (4) Jack W insted’s Choice— Lillian E. Andrews. (5) Some Tests of Old Testam ent C riti­ cism— Griffith-Thomas. (6) Ruined, Redeemed, Regenerated— C. H. Mack­ intosh. ' Is th e H igher Criticism Scholarly? This is a 25 cent booklet by Prof. Robert Dick Wilson of Princeton Theo­ logical Seminary, published by the Sun­ day School Times Co. This is the kind of booklet needed for our tim es and we hope it will be pu t into th e hands of hundreds of Christian w orkers who are beginning to trem ble on the Rock of Agei. Prof. Wilson is a man who is concerned» only w ith evidence and it will gladden your h eart to know what he has found th a t shows th e fallacies of the critic’s position.

Modernism In China S tatem ents made by Dr. W. H. Grif­ fith-Thomas, upon his retu rn from China, have been widely discussed. Dr. Thomas made no hasty investigation of conditions among the m issionaries and we th ink he knows what he is talking about. At th is time when many devout Christians arë perplexed to know how to invest th e ir funds so th a t they will bring results for the glory of God, this book should be read. It is only 25 cents. The Religion of Religious Psychology Charles C. Ellis, Ph. D., says in this 25 cent booklet th a t it is tim e to take our bearings before voyaging fu rth e r in th e direction in which the leaders of religious psychology have set our sails. The humblest Christian in th e church has a righ t to know whether “ th e Di­ rector of Religious Education” has been getting his train ing under men who have led him toward or away from th e faith. Dr. Ellis quotes from various psychologists in the schools and shows the d rift in relation to several funda­ mentals of the faith. F a th e r and Son This is a rep rin t of a series of a rti­ cles by Philip E, Howard, of great value to th e man who has the boy problem on his hands. Mr. Howard touches such questions as when the boy joins th e church; his books; tak ing him into your confidence; what guests he shall meet; his religion; his schooling; his life w ork; breaking home ties. Would make an excellent gift book. Price, $1.00. The Strategic Value of P ray er This is the title of a little booklet by th e Rev. Gordon W att, M. A., pub­ lished by the Sunday School Times Co. Dr. W att has outlined his theme in seven chapters: (1) The Cross as the basis of P rayer. (2) The Conflict; its P erils and Spoils. (3) P artnersh ip w ith th e Holy Spirit. (4) The Call to P rayer. (5) The Great Essentials in P rayer. ( 6 ) .The Imperativeness of P rayer. (7) The S trategy of P rayer. The argum ents are strong, scriptural and cumulative, and the little book will be of real service in enabling God’s people to grip some of th e principles of prayer. Price 25 cents.

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