King's Business - 1923-01

“Best” Books

îs£Preacher and

Christian Worker

“In Christ Jesus”—The Sphere of the Believer’s Life By Dr. A. T. Pierson This book contains a series of “Key Note*' studies in the Pauline Epistles, the phrase “In Christ” being the central theme of each study. The author in his 'introduction says, "We see the vitali importance of the phrase ‘In Christ* in the fact that these words unlock and interpret every separate book in the New Testa­ ment. Here is God’s own key whereby we may open all the various doors and enter all the glorious rooms in this palace beautiful, and explore all the apart­ ments in the house of the heavenly Interpreter from Matthew to the Apocalypse." If you like good Biblical interpretations that are filled with real soul food, buy this book. New Edition, Extra Cloth, $1.50 Point and Purpose in Preaching E lijah P . B row n One Hundred Revival Sermons, and Outlines Com piled b y F red B arto n Spurgeon, Moody, M ac- laren, C hapm an, Pierson, How to Prepare Sermons and Gospel Addresses B y W illiam E vans

Those who have read a fte r “R am ’s H orn” B row n know th a t he had b o th p o in t an d purpose in his preaching. In th is book he tells o th ers how they m ay develop b o th of th ese m uch desired c h a ra c ­ teristics. P rice, C loth, $1.00

A volum e o f p ra c tic al help fo r m in isters an d theological stu d en ts, a n d also C hristian laym en w ho a re called to th e w ork o f preach in g th e G ospel of Jesu s C hrist. P rice $1.25

B roughton, Dixon, P ark er, M eyer a n d Sim pson, are som e of th e g reat evangelists w hose serm ons a re included in th is m atch less collection. P rice $2.50

Dictionary of the Bible -

John D. Davis We consider this one of the most satisfactory dictionaries in print. It is really a dictionary of the Bible and not of things about the Bible. The illustrations are real illustrations, and not a “might-be, imaginations'* of some fertile minded artist. When you look for information it is likely to be found. We know of no dictionary better suited to the work of the Bible Student and Bible Teacher. Price: Cloth, $¿.00; Half Leather, $6.00; Full Morocco, $8.00 Bible Truths Illustrated By J . C. F . P ittm an T h ere are 88 subjects 1000 Tales Worth Telling H y P ickering

Seed Thoughts for Public Speakers A . T. Pierson A n exceedingly helpful book fo r th e b u sy C hristian w orker who does n o t have tim e to cull o u t a n d file such a collection of m aterial for him self. P rice, C loth, $1.50

T he title v ery ap tly de­ scribes th e co n ten t of th is book. It is a book th a t should be in th e h an d s of every p reach er o r C hristian w orker w ho w an ts to use sh o rt, p ith y , w orth-w hile, scrip tu ra l illu stratio n s. P rice, Cloth, $1.00

tre a te d , arra n g e d in a lp h a­ b etical order, sta rtin g w ith affliction a n d ending w ith zeal. The th o u g h ts an d S crip tu ral tru th s th a t can be so forcibly expressed th ro u g h th is helpful m aterial are th e kind th a t drive hom e conviction. P rice $1.50

If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be se n t C. O. D., u nless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage. B10LA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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