King's Business - 1923-01

“Best” Books for

Preacher and Christian Worker

What the Bible Teaches

Rev. R. A. Torrey, D. D. A Thorough and Comprehensive Study of All the Bible Has to Say Con­ cerning the Great Doctrines of Which it Treats. “The entire work is thorough, as well as comprehensive, and is the most con­ venient and labor-saving work of its kind for ministers and B.ble students that has yet appeared, in fact, it constitutes a lib ra ry ^ Biblical theology, packed in one handsome octavo volume of over 500 pages.___________ _ _________Price $3.00 The Bible; Its Structure and Purpose John ' U rq u h a rt E ach volum e is com plete in itself. Sold sep arately o r to g eth er. D r. U rq u h a rt is specially fitted to handle -his su b ject in a com prehensive and m asterly m anner. A t The Summarized Bible By K eith L. B rooks A com plete sum m ary of th e en tire Bible, ch ap ter by ch ap ter. E ach c h ap ter is a n a ­ lyzed sep arately u nder C ontents, C haracters, K ey w ords, S tro n g verses, S trik in g facts, How C h rist is seen. In ad d itio n th ere is an alp h ab etical index to th e m o st im p o rtan t Bible ev en ts; an index to th e precious p rom ­ ises of th e Bible; an d a schedule fo r reading th e Bible th ro u g h in one year. Cloth, $1.75; P ap er, $1.25 The author says, "It has been our endeavor to impart reliable information upon the external form and internal contents of the matchless volume of in­ spiration, to furnish helps on points and questions of a Biblical character, to record statements and facts, and to present a condensed but accurate account of the various English translations of the Sacred Scriptures from the days of W yclifte to the publication of the recent revised New Testaments. This is an exceptionally helpful volume. FrIce 75c The Cyclopedic Handbook of the Bible Jo sep h A ngus— Sam uel G. G reen The Two Genealogies of Jesus By J. C. Stillion No one ever need be puzzled over the tw o genealogies if they h av e th is book for reference. In it you will find b o th genealo­ gies carefully exam ined— all th e lig h t of S crip tu re being throw n upon them—-their p oints of agreem ent noted a n d th e reason given_ _ th eir points of disagreem ent are also pointed o u t an d thoroughly explained. P rice 25c If m oney does n o t accom pany o rder, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail a d d 10% for. postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal th e sam e tim e he uses sim ple, everyday language, th a t sim ple everyday people can u n d erstan d . H e stan d s pre-em inently for th e defense of th e a u th e n ticity an d v erbal in sp iratio n of th e S criptures. Vol. I, II, III, IV, Cloth, $1.25 each $4.00 p er Set The Story of Our English Bible Walter Scott A book w ritten for a definite p urpose; a n d th a t purpose, “to teach m en to u n d erstan d and ap p reciate th e Bible.” It is a v eritab le store-house of inform ation concerning the Bible a n d will supply you w ith all th e facts you will need to have handy fo r y o u r defense of th e in sp iratio n an d accu racy of the S crip tu res. Price, C loth, $3.50

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