King's Business - 1923-01

“Best” Books

« Dispensational Truth Dispensational Truth or God’s Plan and Purpose of the Ages Clarence Larkin This book is remarkable both in matter and construction. It contains 34 chapters of descriptive matter, equivalent to an ordinary book of 500 pages. 42 splendid prophetical charts, each 9x20 inches; 48 one-page charts and 15 cuts. The charts are unique, simple, clear, uniform in style and present every phase of “Dispensational Truth.” The teaching is of the deep things of God. Mr. Larkin shows his intimate, knowledge of Prophetic testimony—he has a happy faculty of explaining and not marring the Text. Price, Cloth, Atlas Form, 12x12 inches, $5.00 The Book of Daniel W . C. Stevens Jamison’s Comprehensive Bible Chart

B eautifully p rin ted in seven colors, size 19x34 inches. P laces before th e eye th e fu n ­ dam ental teachings of th e w hole Bible and is so a rran g ed th a t any p erson m ay tak e his B ible an d w ith th e aid of the^ c h a rt and th e booklet w hich accom panies it, g et a c ­ q uainted w ith th e w hole p lan of God for th is w orld. E specially helpful to those w ho w ish to m ake a dispensational stu d y of th e S crip ­ tu res. T ough bond p aper, 75c Fine m ap cloth, $1.25

T his is ju st th e k in d of a book th a t the stu d en t of prophecy delights in— a book in w hich th e conclusions a re n o t forced b u t com e n a tu ra lly as a m a tte r of cburse. Mr. Stevens is a clear th in k er, an able teacher. Of th is book, Dr. Jam es M. G ray says, “T he book seem s to have com e to th e K ingdom fo r such a tim e a s th is." P rice $1.25

The Number of Man The Climax of Civilization P hilip M auro A sta rtlin g arran g em en t of ¿he m an-m ade conditions w hich a re com bining th eir influences in these la tte r day s to d estro y C hristianity. The a u th o r m akes a careful stu d y of th e hum an influ­ ences, m aterial, intellectual an d all false religions, to n eutralize /and destro y th e pow er of the Gospel of C hrist. - The volum e is one of g reat ab ility , an d is a tim ely and m asterly m essage to those who are thou g h tfu l a n d con­ scientious. P rice $1.50

Momentous Events F ran cis F a ir T his is indeed a book for th e days in w hich w e live. “The P ro p h etic News” says, “T he A uthor’s exposition of th e ch ap ter of D aniel exceeds in c h a ra c te r a n d convincing force an y th in g we have h ith ­ erto m et w ith.” P rice $1.00 The Roman Empire in Prophecy W . E . Vine T his book .tra c e s th e rise, p ro g ress an d end of the fo u rth w orld-em pire a s re ­ vealed in th e scrip tu res. T he five m aps given a re v ery in ­ stru ctiv e. P rice $1.00

A Text Book on Prophecy

Jam es M. G ray A tim ely an d highly useful hand-book for all in terested in unfulfilled prophecy an d is especially ad ap ted for Bible classes. P rice $1.25 The Harmony of the Prophetic Word D r. A . C. G aebelein Dr. C. I. Scofield in com ­ m ending th is book says, “ It discloses th e ground p lan of the Bible on its m an-w ard side.” P rice $1.25 The Patinos Vision

What Shall Be Done in the Dry? Jam es D unbar

G eorge W . D avis T his is th e b e st single volum e comm en­ ta ry on th e book of R evelation in p rin t to ­ day. W e know th a t th a t is a big s ta te ­ m ent, b u t th e book w ill, fully b ack up all th a t we say in its favor. It is an excep­ tionally well th o u g h t o u t book fo r these la s t days. T his is no t a book to be m erely read an d laid aside— it is a book to be studied. If you a re teaching a class in prophecy you will find “T he P atm o s V ision” exceptionally helpful. P rice, P ap er, 75c; C loth, $1.50 T he one bobk th a t gives a vividly c o rrect p ictu re of th e terrib le sto rm th a t is soon to b reak upon th e sin cu rsed w orld. It dfe the one book th a t co rrectly describes th e “cities of refuge” th a t a re alread y p rep ared for th e Jew ish rem nant to flee to. F u rth erm o re it is a book b ased upon facts— th e facts of God’s W ord— a n d n o t upon th e fanciful th eo ry of an y m an. If you w an t a book on prophecy th a t is different— th o u g h t produc- • ing— in terestin g , com pelling— th is is th e book you will enjoy. P rice $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods w ill be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail a,dd 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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