King's Business - 1923-01

“Best” Books

onthc Second Coming The Return of the Lord Jesus By Dr. R. A. Torrey

The key to the Scripture and the perfect and only «solution of all our polit­ ical and social problems. Treats especially of the Golden Age that is soon com­ ing to this earth. The wondrous truths of God’s word on this most importani event of unfulfilled Scripture are brought out showing the importance of th< truth that our Lord Jesus is coming again. The certainty of it. The manner in which He is coming. The result of His return. The time of it. Our attitude toward it. The reading of this book will prove an inspiration to the child of God, especially now when this old world is in such turmoil. Paper, 50c; Cloth, $1.00

The Coining Day By F o rd C. O ttm an, D . D. G iving th e m ain teachings of prophecy in relation to C h rist’s re tu rn so sim ply ex­ pressed th a t one w ho has n o t studied th is tru th can readily tra c e it th ro u g h the W ord. F or individual study o r class use. H ave you neg ­ lected to stu d y “th e Second Coming” becau se “it’s too deep” ? These b rief studies will in te re st you. B oards; 75c

Birth-Pangs of the World’s Best Age By J. J. P alm er, B. A. A valuable handbook ^ to lig h t th e w ay of th e sain ts an d to point o u t th e signs of th e tim es. The a u th o r hon­ o rs th e W ord of God by his diligent a n d reverent exposi­ tio n of its p resen t-d ay force an d m essage. C loth bound, 75c

Behold the Morning C. F. W im berley D r. R. A. T orrey says, “ I am su re the book w ill in te r­ est a g reat m any in th e su b ­ ject who have no t been in ­ terested in th e o rd in ary d is­ cussions of th e subject. The book is one I would recom ­ m end to every one who w ishes to tak e up a stu d y of th e su b ject.” P rice $1.25

Mysteries of the Kingdom By W. C. Stevens ,

One of the very best of the smaller books on “The Lords* Return”, .rich in choice truth on this great subject in which everybody should be interested. Dr. L. A. McAfee writes an introduction, and in it say®, “You will be a better Christian when you have gone thoughtfully through this little book; among other •strong points which commend it to your attention let us emphasize two: Its rev­ erent attitude toward the Bible and toward the entire Bible; its freedom from a controversial spirit.” This age needs both of these qualities. 133 pages. Paper, 35c; Cloth, 75c

The Lord’s Return

Forty Wonders of Scripture Prophecy

Jesse F o rre st Silver T his is a real encyclopedia of facts and inform ation concerning th e prem illennial com ing of C hrist. N ot only does th is book convincingly se t fo rth th e p ro p h etic claim s, b u t it also gives th e h isto ry of th e doctrine from th e days of th e apostolic chu rch to th e p resen t tim e. A nd it Aalso gives the nam es of all th e g re a t leaders of th e church who have received th e ir in sp iratio n from th e B lessed H ope. P rice $1.50

By Rev. M. B axter If you a re in terested in th e w ay th a t h is­ to ry is fulfilling prophecy in these la s t days you will be intensely in terested in th is book. Its d ates fo r th e p a st have very largely p ro v e n 'tru e . C ontains m ap of th e old Rom an Em pire as it will be revived, besides 49 o th e r p ictu res, m aps an d diagram s. 544 pages. P rice, C loth, $1.00

If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D ., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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