King's Business - 1923-01

¡ p H | L a te st a n d BEST BOOKS fo r Sunday School W o rk a n d E S S Work Among Young Folks A Program for Sunday School Management By Charles W. Brewbaker, D. D. ; The average man's book for doing efficient S. S. work. Deals with organi­ zation, programs, finance, music, community life,, the school's relation to the Church, and other details of administration. The Community Daily Vacation Bible School By E. C. Knapp Introduction by Marion Lawrence Tells how to organize the school, how to finance it, how to advertise it, how to conduct it, and the daily program, music and worship, story telling, the sur­ prise hour, hand work, health and habit talks, dramatics and pageantry, kinder­ garten and primary, games, etc.—N. W. Christian Advocate. $1.00 The Most Wonderful Story By Amy Lefeuvre * A u th o r or P robable Sons A Life of Christ for Little Children. The story of- the life of Christ told

by the famous author of children's stori tots." Although written in the author’s the words of Christ and The Parables. The Career of a Cobbler By M arg aret T. A pplegarth NA u th o r of “N ext D oor N eighbors’* The Life S tory of W illiam C arey. U nlike the usual biography. V ishm usw am , a H indu, tells th e life-sto ry of W illiam C arey to an incredulous listener. M iss A pplegarth’s tale is to ld in w arm , convincing fashion, m arked by m uch genuine local color, and charged w ith th e glam our of th e E ast. 75c Tales of Great Missionaries By Jeanne M. Serrell F orm er C hairm an P resb y terian W om an’s B oard, C hildren’s D epartm ent F o r Y oung People. R ecords of deeds of courage an d devotion done on th e m ission fields of the w orld. Stories of th e g reat m issionaries— C arey, Judson, P a ton, Living­ stone, H udson T aylor, M ary Slessor, Coil lard, an d others._________Frontispiece. $1.25 By S tu a rt N ye H utchinson, D. D. “Five-M inute” T alks w ith Y oung Folks Dr. H u tchinson’s “sto ries” are so well know n th a t it is unnecessary to say m ore th a n “here is a n o th er volum e of D r. H u tch ­ insons’ ‘ta lk s’, on th e in terestin g to p ic T he Boys an d G irls m entioned in th e Bible.” ___________ ______________________________$1.25 Bible Boys and Girls

5s in a way that will appeal to the "little familiar story form, emphasis is given to ____________________ $1 .5 0 Chüdren of Jerusalem B y C. B. How Children of Korea By E llasue W agner Tw o new volum es in th is delightful series of C hildren’s T ravel Books intim ately de­ scrib in g th e young folks of m odern Je ru sa ­ lem an d K orea. Illu strate d in colors. E ach 75c Stories from Foreign Lands By C ora B anks P ierce an d H azel N orthrop A new sheaf of sto ries b y th e a u th o rs of “Stories From F a r Aw ay.” C hildren of Turkey, P ersia, A rm enia, A frica an d ’’the isles of th e sea” are p o rtray ed w ith skilful hand, an d given a w ealth of in terestin g a d ­ venture. $1.25 Torrey’s Gist of the Lesson, 1923 By R . A. T orrey and O thers A C omm entary on th e International S. S. Lessorig. “To those who have possessed and used form er issues th a t for th is y e ar will peed no comm endation. It is n o t only handy in form b u t w ondrously com plete.”— C hris- tia n Intelligencer. Flexible cloth. N et 35c

Prodigal Daughters By Joseph Hocking This is not a religious book in any sense of that term, but it is exceedingly wholesome nevertheless. Present day conditions are fearlessly presented in such a way as to hold. A n o th e r sto ry w hich will hold the re a d e r spell-bound until th e last p ag e is reached. It is a fran k , u p -to -d ate story. A pow erful piece of w ritin g in w hich th e fam ous novelist g rap h ically describes th e stru g g le ag ain st th e flood of new m orals and ethics a n d dress of th e y o u n g e r g en eratio n of wom en. C loth. $1,75 If m oney does n o t accom pany o rd er goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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