King's Business - 1923-01

10 THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S th e In stitu te, and the th ird largest number to receive a lib rary of books to the value of $25.00. SECOND PR IZE— Mr. C. C. Wakeman, Cliftondale," Mass. Suggestion: Organize a Loyalty Club—members to be sent a membership card containing th e rules of th e Club, as follows: ’ Each member to prom ise to. remember The K ing’s Business daily in prayer. Speak to someone (o r w rite) every week about The K ing’s Business and' its helpfulness. Twelve subscriptions will en title th e member to a “Loyalty P in ” . Twenty-five subscriptions will en title th e member to books to the value of $5.00, to be selected from Biola publications. THIRD PRIZE—Miss Annie K. Pettigrew , Edgewood, R. I. Suggestion: K ing’s Business B irthday P arty— to be celebrated in November, 1923, being th e th irte en th b irthday of th e magazine. Each subscriber to make a b irthday present of The K ing’s Business to some friend, th e subscription to begin w ith th e b irthday number of the magazine. Miss P ettigrew sends in also an original poem to be used in connection w ith th is b irthd ay party which, of course, we are keeping in reserve for th e occasion. It will be noted th a t these th ree suggestions can be used w ithout in any wajf conflicting w ith each other. Fo r instance, th e members of th e “Loyalty Club” ' could also engage in the “Scholarship Contest” as well as have a sh are in th e “B irthday P a rty ” . Who will be the first to sta rt th e “Scholarship Contest” , full details of which will be given in th e F eb ru ary issue?


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WAS PETER POPE? “Upon th is rock I will build rotf church” (Matt. 1 6 :18 ). W hat rock? The Roman Church says P eter was th e rock on which the church was built. P ete r himself tells us the church is built, not on himself but on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whom he had ju st confessed (1 Pet. 2 :4 -9 ). B u tler’s Roman Catholic Catechism says: “Whom does th e Pope succeed as visible head of the church? Answer: St. P eter, chief of the apostles, vicar of Christ on earth , th e first Pope and Bishop of Rome. In th e ligh t of history P e te r is any­ thing but an infallible repository of tru th or even th e chief of th e apostles. The apostle P aul had to censure him openly for Judaizing (Gal. 2:11-16). P aul declared th a t he him self was not

a whit behind the very chiefest of the apostles (2 Cor. 1 1 :5 ). A t th e g reat council of the early church held a t Jérusalem (Acts 15), it was not P ete r who presided, bu t James. P eter was sent out to preach by the o th er disciples (Acts 8 :1 4 ). P ete r was a m arried man (Matt. 8:14 ) and in spite of the fact th a t Ro­ manists claim he, left his wife afte r entering the service of God, 1 Cor. 9:5 inform s us th a t P ete r’s wife accompa­ nied him in his journeys in th e cause of Christ. ■P eter speaks of himself as an elder ef the church only (1 Pet. 1 :1 ; 5:1-3). P ete r never was in Rome.

In fact, th e only tim e P e te r . ever acted like a Romish Pope was when he drew his sword and slashed off a fellow’s ear (Jn. 1 8 :1 0 ), and then the Lord had his work to undo. —K. L. B. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A GILT-EDGED

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