King's Business - 1923-01



masses? T h^ people are as sheep w ith­ out a shepherd; they all have immortal souls; they ?,re perishing for lack of knowledge. “ Oh! come let us go and,find them In th e path s of death they roam .’'

Men and Women, let us advance! Who will form th e advance g u ard ? Who w ill dare to follow th e Lamb whereso­ ever He leads, a t any cost? Who is w illing to le t his official repu tation go, to win glory for th e Saviour among th e

¿14. . ¿¡fc ¿¡fc ü H l i God Will Preserve Himself a Ckurck By REV. BOB SHULER Pastor Trinity Methodist Church, Los Angeles, California

sary. The church, according to such false prophets, only needs to be modern­ ized, socialized, program ized and finan­ ced. Such men can no t deliver us all. We simply refuse to be delivered. God will preserve him a church th a t stands for th e Old Book in its en tirety ; th a t battles for thè deity of Jesus Christ in th e completeness of th a t doctrine; th a t preaches a salvation of blood, a new b irth th a t is followed by a gracious experience of conscious relation, of son- ship, of sp iritual grow th and Holy Ghost experience; th a t evangelizes th e world in the name of Jesus C h rist, driving back false doctrines and stubbornly standing before every foe th a t would pull Sown Golgotha or lessen the mean­ ing of our Lord’s victorious coming from th e tomb. In such a church I can work and pray, sing ahd shout, preach and be happy. And th ere are tens of thou­ sands like me. The name of th a t church m atters little. QUIETNESS In quietness and confidence Shall be thy strength, each day.............Isa. 30:15 The Lord doth go before thee to straigh ten all th e way....... ........Isa. 45:2 Then walk w ith an assurance— Isa. 32:17 Nor fear the dark est hour....Isa. 43:2 For God will th ere reveal to you His glory, and His power................Isa. 42:16 — Dorothy B. Polsue

Y prediction is th a t not a gen­ eration remains between th is day and the form ation of a m ighty body of believers, the

strongest and most powerful th a t ever shook the world. Call them fund a­ m entalists or w hat you please, they are massing from th e rivers to the ends of the earth . .They are ready to break w ith any and all denom inations when th e 1call of God shall sound. They will not abide the presence of th a t foe who would cut the Old Book to shreds, de­ pose Jesus Christ from his throne of Deity and rob th e h e a rt of man of the m ighty change, known as the New B irth and ta u g h t by the fathers, whose eyes were fixed on the cross and whose messages never wandered far from a fountain of b lood .» - It will all b u t te a r the h ea rt out of some of us when the rending of th e tim ­ bers is heard. F o r we love th e churches in which we were cradled. We a re ready to give our lives to them . We are even ready to shed our blood for them . ' But we will not be led into th e trap o f the deceiver and th e snare of th e despoiler by our leaders. Th'ey must lead toward God or we will refuse to follow. I can name a half dozen men whose names are large in th e leadership of my church, whose feet today are not upon th a t p ath th a t leads to a manger, bu t to a w ilder­ ness. They have taken down th e cross and have set up an educational program. They have declared th e blood unneces­

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