King's Business - 1923-01



own homes as have delayed baptism, but they, w ith others, are aw aiting a suitable opportunity for tak ing th a t step. Our"m otto is, “Whosoever will may come” , and we have dem onstrated be­ yond doubt th a t th e open door preach­ ing of the gospel has been blessed to the salvation of all classes of th is great city community. We have used no special methods to reach th e upper- classes, bu t these as well as those in humbler circumstances of life, have ac­ cepted the forgiveness of sins through the precious blood of Christ. Let th e twenty baptized th is year testify to this fact. Ten are. teachers and studen ts in the city public schools, five are m em ­ bers of official families, one is a land proprietor, one is a business man, two are tradesm en and one is a lady from a good family. W hat a ttracts these people? All preachers of th e gospel need to have a pleasing and attractiv e personality; the Gospel Hall should be airy and well lighted; but these things in themselves are nothing and could never save souls. God has laid down two conditions, and has given the reason for these condi­ tions. It still pleases God to use the weak, the base things of the world, things which are despised, and things w h ic h 'a re not, to do His work; and in th e ligh t of th is is it any surprise th a t th e Apostle P aul gloried in his infirmi­ ties? Do you glory in your infirmities, or do you bemoan them and seek to hide them by a false pride in your talen ts? God is still pleased to use what men count foolishness to save lost men and women. Have you grown weary of th e old gospel? Have th e argum ents of these boastful men of letters caused you to d rift? The Cross of Christ is still foolishness to ..the Greek, b u f have you not found in your experience th a t it is still th e power of God to save sinners? God’s reason for these two principles is th a t no flesh should glory in H is pres­ ence. P reach the gospel of God’s bound­ less grace, and do not be satisfied w ith anything short of th e salvation of precious souls. • . NOTE}—R ev . A le x; R . Saunders, the w riter o f the fo llow in g article , is an hged and alm ost to ta lly blind m issionary, yet G od has g iv en him rem arkable stren gth and a m essage o f pow er to the Chinese. H e is d em o n stratin g th a t the m essage of the C ross is the on ly m agn et pow erful enough to overcom e th e g ra v ita tio n o f the soul of a C hin am an tow ard the flesh and the devil. Altogether Too Courteous to the Critics , A Letter Copied from “The Presbyterian’’

jN th eir desire to be kindly to ­ wards th e Modernists, there is a tendency among good Christian people to look upon

Under the caption “Views and Voic­ e s” th e P resbyterian in a recent issue p rin ts a le tte r over the in itials “A. E. C.” which contains such a frank and faith fu l message and is so apropos th a t we tak e th e liberty of reproducing it herew ith. (The bold-faced type is ours, and not the w riter’s ) : E d ito r The P resbyterian: While it is enjoined upon the Chris­ tian to be courteous and kind, and to

articles that! deal definitely w ith assaults upon th e Word of God, th e person of Jesus Christ, H is virgin b irth and atoning death as too hard and Jmrsh, forgetting th a t it is impossible for one who is loyal to th e fundamentals of our faith to regard as “b reth ren ” those who deny these fundamentals.

(Inside Front Cover)

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