King's Business - 1923-01



be careful as to giving unnecessary of­ fense, th e re is also in th e New Testa­ ment a strong insistence upon a firm a ttitu d e on the p art of believers t'oward those who promulgate heretical teach­ ings, and are following in the ways of Cain, Korah and Balaam. This insist­ ence is treated lightly by some in the present day, who seem to be exercised concerning th e rationalistic avalanche which is sweeping over th e professing church; for, in many of the criticisms which appear in religious "periodicals and magazines from tim e to time, th ere is altogether too g réat consideration shown, and condemnation is so modi­ fied by deference to learning and purely n atu ra l qualifications th a t the average reader must be left in doubt as to whether, afte r all, the questions a t issue are not merely technical and of no gen­ eral importance. The w riter has in mind a recent ar­ ticle in The P resby terian wherein a perfectly ju st bu t somewhat scathing arraignm ent appears of a well-known preacher and educator. This arraig n ­ ment is in terlarded w ith complimentary allusions seemingly intended to soften the severity of the accusations, and savoring of a sp irit of free-masoqry, widely prevalent among certain groups of m inisters. Oftentimes th is unscrip- tu ra l “ esprit de corps” is exceedingly offensive to th e lay observer, and it is unquestionably abho rren t to th e glori­ ous Head of th e Body (Rev. 2 :1 5 ). The impression le ft by the article referred to is of an outwardly hold attack, behind which th e re is a ¡ complacent “kow-tow” and implied apology: In one sentence, g reat indignation is m ani­ fested toward the man who does not hesitate to deny th e Lord th a t bought him, and in th e next th e re is adulation as to the personality and acquirementsT even to the extent of designating the possessor as “ The Good Doctor.” | Are we not coming perilously near to the

condemnation expressed in Jude, 16th verse, and does not the silly ’ title re­ m ind us of our Lord’s question. “Why callest thou me good?” and th e sta rt­ ling tru th involved? 0 I t is plainly shown in the Scriptures th a t all such treatm en t of S atan’s ser­ vants who to-day are doing th e ir best, to' upspt th e faith of God’s people will be considered unfaithfulness when our w orks are finally manifested. Shall we not be found guilty of commending the very means which Satan is using to carry out his hellish purpose? F o r if these men were not in th e main pos­ sessed of magnetism in a high degree, both intellectual and .physical, we should have small reason to dread th eir influence. . If th e statem ents made by prom inent present-day rationalists in th e ir u tte r­ ances and w ritings are a tru e reflection of th e ir sp iritual standing, we ar.e ab­ solutely forced to the conclusion th a t th e men are unsaved, and headed straigh t for the place prepared for the devil and his angels. If th is is not so, then we may" as well throw th e New Testam ent into “ the discard.” The la tte r altern ativ e cannot be accepted, however, and therefore personal com­ plim ents should have no place in deal­ in g w ith such people; i t seems too much lik e m aking jokes a t a deathbed. F o r the sake of the poor sheep who are captivated unw ittingly and led to th e ir undoing by -the very attractiv e­ ness which elicits. these encomiums, it is well, of course, to combat th e teach­ ing w ith all th e vehemence possible. W ith the teachers themselves, a rg u ­ m ent is useless; th e resu lt in them is to increase th e ir self-esteem and deepen th e ir satisfaction a t the criticisms evoked. In other words, they are ad­ vertised to th eir h ea rts’ content. Under all these distressing circum­ stances, the only recourse for God’s people is prayer: tru e and sympathetic

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