King's Business - 1923-01



angels will , bring them no salvation. We must all take our choicé of either confessing and accepting Christ of our own free will now and obtaining salva­ tion thereby, or of confessing Him and acknowledging Him against our will in th e world to come. Confess Him we must sometime. Bow th e knee to Him we must some day. Happy th e man who gladly now in th is time of proba­ tion bows th e knee to Jesus and con­ fesses th a t Jesu s Christ is Lord to the glory of God th e F ath er, alhd does not w ait un til th a t day when He is forced to do it and when the confession will bring him no salvation. S!*. M m A Word with tke Unsaved WHERE DO YOU STAND? Every soul is before God eith er (a) “ in Adam”-?—th a t is, “ born of th e flesh” into th e hum an fam ily •(fallen, and under th e condemnation of sin and d ea th ), of which Adam is th e forefather, th e fed­ eral Head; or is (b) before God “ in th e Sp irit”— “ born of God” , into the heavenly family— one of the “ sons of God, and joint-heirs w ith Christ”— in the “New C reation" (2 Cor. 5:17 ) of which the Risen Christ is th e represen­ tativ e Head. There is no “between” class or state. And th e re is no way to .pass from the one to the other b u t by being “born again.” Ju st as each of us entered the hum an fam ily by a n atu ra l birth, so each of us can only en ter th e heavenly fam ily by a sp iritual b irth (John 3 :5 -7 ). Now, th is question of our tru e stand ­ ing before God is th e first m a tte r we each need to have settled beyond all doubt in pur h earts by the Word of God— and“ it should be settled w ithout a moment’s delay, because on th is hang the soul’s present joy and peace, and all power to serve and please God here, and all the issues of E ternal Destiny hereafter:

So, my reader, I beg you, as you read these lines, to make solemn, searching inquest into your soul’s tru e standing before God. Challenge your conscience: . “Have I believed on th e Lord Jesu s as my own personal Saviour? Have 'I rested for my soul’s salvation on the assurance of. God’s Word th a t ‘H is Own self bare our sins in His own body on the T ree’? Can I say from my h eart: ‘My soul looks back to see, The burden Thou didst bear, When hanging on th e accursed tree, And knows my gu ilt was th e re ’? Am I saved ‘by grace th rough fa ith ’? Am I one of ‘the children of God by faith in Christ Jesu s’?” I know it is not usual in much of th e preaching of today to draw a clear dis­ tinction between th e “ saved” and the “ unsaved’g -b e tw e e n th e . “ not con­ demned” and th e “ condemned already” — between him th a t “h ath everlasting life” and him on whom “th e w rath o£ God ab ideth” (John 3 :3 6 ), b u t the Word of God does it, and the Lord Jesus said, “He th a t rejecteth Me and re- ceiveth not My words h a th -O n e th a t judgeth him : the Word th a t I have spoken, the same shall judge him in fhe L ast Day” (Jo h n 1 2 :48 ). L et preach­ ers and h earers remember th a t.— J. W. Fegan. jMfc I 'dk m IT ’S EASY TO BARK Fault-finding is not difficult. A. cer­ ta in w riter illu strates thu s: A dog hitched to a lawn mower, stopped pull­ ing to bark a t a passer-by. The boy who was guiding the mower said, “Don’t .■mind th e dbg, he is ju s t barking for an excuse to rqst. It is easier to bark th an pull this machine.” I t is easier to be critical th an correct, easier to bark th an work, easier to burn a house than . build one, easier to hinder th a n help, easier to destroy repu tation th a n to construct character.

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