King's Business - 1923-01

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


No. 2. Miss Tso. A young lady only eighteen years of age, w ith a b rig h t happy disposition. But how much she has suffered during her young life! Several years ago her fath e r died and afte r a tim e her m other m arried again, and, as it often is in China, th e step­ fath e r objected to having th is extra one in th e fam ily to provide for, so the m other gave her to an a u n t who was too poor to care' fo r h er properly. Con­ sequently some Christian friends who had started an indu strial work in a small country town promised to help her. During the uprising between the North and the South about th ree years ago, the place where she was working was destroyed, and she w ith . some others fled to th e hills where fo r th ree days they were exposed to cold and rain, and th a t, w ith th e shock, made h er v ery 'ill, and when a t la st they reached Changsha she had to be carried to th e hospital so ill th a t very little hope was given for h er recovery. But God answered prayer and restored her to h ealth bu t she had no place to go, so a m issionary who knew of her circumstances p u t h er in our school. He has provided for h er un til quite recently bu t is not able to con­ tinu e to do so permanently, so we are looking to th e Lord for her. No. 8. Miss Chen, whose fath e r has ju st passed away afte r a long illness. H er m other is left w ith a fam ily to sup­ po rt and they are very poor. H er uncle has been helping h er for a tim e but on account of th e increased cost of living here, he has had. to discontinue it as he has h is own large family to look after. No. 4. Mrs. Chen, who comes of a high class fam ily who have been greatly reduced on account of the w ar in China. She is a dear, sweet, attractive young lady and a good student, who a fte r a course in the Bible School would make a splendid Biblewoman. No. 5. Mrs. Koh. Another bright woman, full of life and vigor, a good

studen t and one w ith a g reat desire to have a course in th e Bible School, but is not able to pay her expenses. The need fo r Biblewomen in China is a very u rgent one. I am sure if we had a hundred earnest workers ready now, th ere would be many more th an one hundred places ready for them , so, dear friends, we ask you to pray for these five, and o th e rs in our school, both men and women, who are anxious to be pre­ pared for Christian work, th a t God shall supply every need of th eirs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. — E. E lizabeth Keller. (E d ito r’s Note: The support of four of these young women,—Miss Lo, Miss Tso, Miss Chen and Mrs. Chen—-has al­ ready been undertaken by friends of the Institute^ to whom we spoke of the m a tte r upon receipt of Mrs.. K eller’s letter. We are sure th is will be wel­ come news to these fou r splendid young women, and are confidently expecting th a t we shall soon be able to w rite Mrs. K eller th a t the am ount necessary to support Mrs. Koh has also been con­ tribu ted .) EGG-SHELL CHRISTIANS You have sometimes heard it said of people th a t “ they have to be handled like eggs” : eggs m ust be handled care­ fully or you are likely to break them. Some people are supersensitive: you have to be very careful what you do or say or they will be h u rt or offended, you can never be sure how they are go­ ing to tak e anything. Such people are much of th e tim e suffering from wound­ ed feelings, are displeased and offended. I t is tru e th a t some are of a highly nervous tem peram ent and natu rally feel things more keenly th an others, but it is not th is n atu ra l nervous sensitive­ ness th a t leads to the resu lts above mentioned, it is a morbid and unn atu ral state into which people allow them ­ selves to enter.

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