King's Business - 1923-01

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BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs; L ym an Stew art* Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en G iving Full Tim e to H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, Bible C lasses, a n d Soul W inning Clubs. ‘‘W herefore H e is able also to save them to the u tterm ost th at come unto God by H im , seein g H e ever liv e th to m ake in ­ tercession fo r them .” H eb . 7:25. H EARLY two years ago one of th e Bible women, When look­ ing for ano ther person, came in contact w ith a young woman who was living in the depths of she asked for th e Bible woman, giving as h er reason, “ She led me to Christ.” The last day in h er intense suffering, ju st before death came, she looked up w ith a smile on h er face and said, “ Jesus sa y s ,; ‘Ju s t a little longer.’ ” From th a t time she bore her pain better and seefned more satisfied. Since the beginning of her illness she had been in her rig h t mind. Surely the Lord is gracious. But as the last moment came, and, as her eyes closed, these words es­ caped h er lips, “Jesus, Lord Jesu s” and the reflection of glory illum ined h er face. A fter her death th e Bible woman found h er Bible and as she picked it up, it readily opened to T itus 3:3-7 and these words were heavily underscored and a check m ark was a t each side to call atten tion to them . “Fo r we ou r­ selves also were sometime foolish, dis­ obedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. But afte r th a t th e kindness of God our Sav­ ior toward man appeared: Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of th e Holy Ghost; which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior^ th a t being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of etern al life.” An Echo F rom th e R eport Luncheon At the monthly Report Luncheon, one of the Bible women in giving her report, said she was asking herself this question: Does it pay to invest money in a life fo r th e service of God? She then answered th e question w ith a con­ crete illu stration from her own life, saying: “ Seventeen years ago Mr. Charles M. A lexander invested some' money for God in my life, by making it possible fo r me to attend th e Moody Bible In stitu te. Six years ago while ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES NEW sin. When she found th a t th e Bible woman was a Christian, she invited her in and seemed eager to learn of Christ and H is salvation. But th e Bible woman had to go th e re many times before th e young woman would put away her sin and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as h er Savior. Nevertheless, a fte r she took her stand for Him she went about confessing Him w ith her mouth and praising Him for h er salva­ tion. Even when pu t on the operating table for a very serious operation she needs m ust ask th e attending physician if he knew her Lord. But w ith h er illness came discourage­ m ent and in h er discouragement she fell, into sin again. But the Lord dealt m ightily w ith h er fo r He has said, ‘‘I give unto th em (believers) eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of m j hand.” And she came back to Him resting in His prom ise of 1 John 1 :9 ; “ If we confess our sins He is faithful and ju s t to forgive us our sins and t ” cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” A few months ago she became par­ tially unbalanced mentally and was tak en to a county institution. She was not under rigid confinement and one day when visiting her sister, she was taken seriously ilL As they were in poor circumstances she was taken to a Christian home in th e neighborhood. They watched over h e r w ith th e tender- est of care and prayed over h e r w ith fervent prayers. But as she grew worse

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