King's Business - 1923-01

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S teaching a Sunday School Class, the Lord graciously used me to lead a young woman w ith musical gifts to Himself. This young woman was made th e subject of earnest prayer, th e an ­ swer of which was seen in th e leading of the young woman to th e Los Angeles Bible In stitu te this term to prepare h er­ self for definite Christian work. Three days before th e luncheon th e Lord used th e young woman to win a soul for H im .” Continuing h er report, the Bible woman then went on to say th a t she received notice two days before the luncheon th a t she was to report a t th a t time. She took the m atter to God in prayer and asked Him if He would use h er to win a soul so th a t she m ight be able to tell those present a t th a t lun ­ cheon of His wonder-working power today. The evening before th e luncheon the Lord abundantly answered prayer by saving two Jew ish women and by straigh ten ing out th e life of a Theoso- phist, who was present a t th e meeting addressed by th e Bible woman. How Lives A re L ifted A fter travelling over th e desert sands, how refreshing to come to a little green spot, bu t we who love th e Lord Jesus Christ a re trav elling through th is desert world, and our h earts are often discouraged in the face of condi­ tions as we see them today, b u t our gracious Lord leads, and we come to th e refreshing oases from time to time, and go on our way rejoicing, and pass them on to others who may hear, tak e fresh courage and press on to victory. Here is one from a girl who g radu­ ated from high school in June. ' “As you know I am planning to attend South-

35 ern Branch of H. C., in th e Fall. 1 I shall certainly miss Euodia fo r it. has been such a blessing to me du ring th e past y ear; I really don’t know how I • shall get along w ithout it: If I get out of school early a t any tim e on Euo­ dia day, I certainly will pu t in an ap ­ pearance. I hope you will le t Euodia Alumni come to th e conference next E aster, for it would be much to my sorrow if I could not pome and get some of th e wonderful helpful •things the Lord saw fit to g ran t me la st Easter. However, I realize th e re are a large number of girls in th e Euodia itself th a t should have first place in the confer­ ence.” Another from an ad u lt k ep t from Bible class on account of sickness in the home. “ I certainly miss th e Bible class. Have come home tim e and again, and told my husband th a t I guessed the teacher though t our Bible class a dumb lot of people. I speak for myself (and I th ink a number of the others, from what I ’ve h eard ) when I say, I have, attended church all my life and have studied, b u t never had th e Bible ex­ plained to me in such a clear way until I attended your classes. ‘F aith cometh by hearing, and hearing by th e Word of God.’ T h at is why I act dumb when the lesson is over. I haven’t anything to say, or couldn’t say it if I did; it is all so wonderful.” ' “ Oh th a t men would praise th e Lord for his goodness, and for his wonder­ ful works to the children of men.” May these incidents spur us on to be more faith fu l in giving fo rth th e pure word of God to our neighbors and friends as they come to us w ith th e ir sorrows and burdens. .$»£.

ifey WORK IN THE SHOPS M arion H . R eynolds, Supt.— M eetings held in shops, factories, car-b a rn s a n d fire engine houses in Los A ngeles. H N our work a t th e shops, where hundreds of men are gathered, one learns to gauge the effect of the meetings upon th e men by th e number of personal con­ versations th a t are held w ith them at the close of the service. been accomplished as m ight have been. If, on th e other hand, men stay for conversation, perhaps telling of some difficulty th a t has arisen in life we com­ mence to realize th a t God has been speaking to th e ir h earts.

The other day, ju st such a meeting was held. A fter th e message, many men waited to ta lk to us, some w ith o n e . problem and some w ith another. F i­ nally, one bright-looking fellow stepped up, and, as we looked into hi^ face, (Page 101)

F o r instance, if afte r a few songs and. a message from one of th e men of our group, we find th e men anxious to hu rry back to th e place where they work in the shop, we feel th a t not as much has EDITION GOSPEL OF JOHN.

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