King's Business - 1923-01



will be lo st in Thine. That, like my humble birth-place, I may not hinder Thee And give men clearer vision of Jesus Christ in me.” iWe remember the despondent and defeated au tho r of them as one who was

more th a n usually burdened w ith a sense of crushing defeat; and th e con­ tra stin g joy and peace which came to him as th e Christ of th e cross was pressed upon him for immediate salva­ tion, F ebruary _7th, 1921, a t Biola Hall, was gratifying to see.

SEAMEN’S WORK C lau d e P e a rs o n , S u p t. —Our w orkers board a ll vessels in the port of San Pedro, ho lding G ospel Services and D istrib u tin g L ite ratu re. “L oo k unto me, and be ye saved, a ll the ends of the earth ; fo r I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn b y m y self, /the word is . K'one out o f m y m outh in r ig h teousness, and sh all not return, T h a t unto me every knee sh a ll bow , every tongue sh a ll sw ear.” Isaiah 45:22, 23. day w ith a Testam ent for him. We thought of a tim e coming of which God speaks thu s: “Behold the days come, saith th e Lord God, th a t I will send a fam ine in th e land, not a fam ine of bread, nor a th ir s t for w ater bu t of hearing the words, of the Lord.”

Many ships th is month have borne the m arks of God’s w itnesses for we found men who loved the L o rd1Jesus and were hungry for fellowship w ith brothers in Christ. Then it was our privilege to point them to verses of the blessed Word which would comfort, strengthen and .encourage th e ir hearts to w itness for Him. P ra y fo r th is Mohammedan On one of the B ritish vessels we met th ree Filipino boys who loved the Lord. One of the boys informed us th a t one of his friends, a Mohammedan, wanted to become a Christian. Of course we would have been glad to lead th is one to Christ, bu t we thought it best to „teach th is Filipino boy how to lead his friend to th e One who would pardon his sins and give him eternal life. When we left them , both were happy, for one had learned how to use his Bible in w inning th e lost to Christ and th e other had ta u g h t him how to use it. B rother, sister, friend, as you read these lines, resolve th a t from th is mo­ ment on you will pray definitely for the workers in th is -needy \field. At the judgm ent seat of Christ you will be ■richly rew arded for service thu s ren ­ dered.

JITH joy and thanksgiving, afte r several m onths’ ab ­ sence, we solicit prayer for bur work a t the harbor. W ith­ out it we are helplesB. Looking over the names of vessels visited and upon experiences of the month, our thoughts were direct­ ed to the Scriptures given above. Surely th e Word has gone fo rth into many lands. B ritish, Canadian, French, Nor­ wegian, Spanish, Mexican, Japanese, Dutch and American vessels have been visited. L iteratu re in twelve different languages has been distributed. Con­ versations w ith men, though often short, have been direct w ith th e Word of God fo r we know th a t th is is the in strum en t the Holy Spirit uses in con­ victing men of sin, of righteousness and of judgm ent to come. E ag er fo r L ite ra tu re Not always do we receive a cordial welcome bu t on one F rench vessel the men reached out their, arm s eagerly to receive th e literatu re. One man Was so hungry fo r it th a t we gave him two Gospels, one of Luke and one of John, bu t he followed us to th e gang plank begging fo r a Bible. H is pleas were so earn est th a t we retu rn ed the next

SPANISH WORK R obert H . B ender, S upt.— Gospel M eetings an d H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 M exicans in Los A ngeles an d V icinity. “H e b rou gh t them out o f darkness and the shadow o f death, and b rake th eir bands in sunder. Oh, th a t men would p raise the L o rd fo r his goodness and for his w onderful w orks to the children o f m en.” “ G re at is the L o rd and g re a tly to be praised.’* ® UR h ea rt is overflowing w ith

g ratitude fo r what our eyes have seen during th e past month. If th ere ever was a people in darkness and in the shadow

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