King's Business - 1923-01



W . P. Nickolson’s Work

a ROM many sources enthusias­ tic reports continue to come to us of th e wonderful re­ sults of th e evangelistic meet­ Ireland. The following from “The Life of F a ith ” gives Mr. Nicholson’s itin er­ ary for th e next iew months and tells th e secret of his success— fervent', ef­ fectual, prevailing prayer on th e p art of God’s people: The Rev. Wm. P. Nicholson, whom God has been so m ightily using in Ul­ ster, is rem aining in Ireland for the best p a rt of ano ther year, having, in view of the need, been granted a fu r­ ther! extension of leave by th e Bible In ­ stitu te of Los Angeles, w ith which he is associated as evangelist. During last w inter Mr. Nicholson conducted seven campaigns in U lster, and over 12,000, mostly adults, passed th rough th e in ­ quiry rooms. Mr. Nicholson prefers to work hand in hand w ith th e churches ra th e r th a n go to halls, feeling th a t when men and women are brought to th e Lord in and th rough th e churches, it is easier to keep them in th e churches a fte r th e m ission is over. Thus the work is b etter conserved and carried on a fte r the evangelist has passed on to other places. U lster’s E agerness fo r th e Gospel It is good to-know , on th e authority of those who a re able to speak from knowledge and experience, th a t th ere is in U lster a t th e p resen t tim e an ear fo r th e Gospel such as has not been known since the. g reat ’59 Revival. As an illu stration of th a t, it is worth sta t­ ing th a t Mr. Nicholson’s engagements will keep him in Ireland un til th e end of next Ju ly— the lim it of his leave— v\i/> I r HIS HANDIWORK Psalms 19:1. When th e F rench in ­ fidel said to th e peasant, “We will pull down your churches, destroy y o u r pic­ tu res and demolish everything th a t re­ minds you of God,” th e peasant replied, “ But you w ill leave u s th e sta rs !” And as long as th e stars revolve and shine, so long th e heavens shall declare th e glory of God, and the firm ament shall show His handiwork.

and -if h e had been able to stay longer he could easily have filled up for sev­ eral years ahead. T hat speaks of a longing in th e h earts of th e churches for Revival, and surely we are justified in believing th a t when God has given to His people th a t desire fo r Revival, He will not disappoint it. Mr. Nicholson, afte r a brief rest, is back a t work. On th e 3rd of September he began a m onth’s mission^ in the Cripples’ Palace, Belfast, and four other missions in the same city are to fol­ low. These will keep him occupied till th e e n d 'o f th e year. Then on Janu ary 7, 1923, he goes to Banbridge; on Feb­ ru ary 4, he sta rts a campaign a t Bally­ mena; on March 11, he is due a t Car- rickfergus, and April and May will be given to Whiteabbey. These, of course, are approximate dates, .as Mr. Nicholson has never yet been able to get through on tim e in any mission. He generally finds th a t it takes tim e to get things into shape for a good tim e of reaping; th a t it is unw ise to attem p t to control th e operations of th e Holy Spirit, and th a t it is b etter to le t-H im have His own tim e and way in every mission. In connection w ith Mr. Nicholson’s campaigns, 15,000 cards are being sent out to th e friends of th e Po rtstew art Convention,- asking for th e ir prayers on behalf of th e work. Belying on P ray er . “We did th is last year,” say s' Mr. Nicholson, “ and etern ity alone will re­ veal what these praying people did for th is land last w inter. We most ear­ nestly covet an in te rest in th e prayers of all God’s children everywhere for th e work of th is w inter in th is poor dis­ tracted land of ours.” Chiseled upon a m arble tab let in the w all of th e observatory a t Williams-- town College are th e words of Isaiah, “L ift up your eyes on h ig h la n d behold WHO HATH CREATED THESE THINGS, th a t b ringeth out th e ir host by num ber: He calleth them all by name, by th e generation of H is m ight, for th a t He is strong in power, no t one faileth.” This was th e prophet’s answer to the skepticism of his times.

ings being held by Mr. Nicholson in

SECURITY. (Inside Back Cover)

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