King's Business - 1923-01

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S and none of those who complain ever th ink of leaving. Ever on th e Increase The g reat increase of the Jewish people th roughout the world, afte r all these centuries of dispersion, is certain­ ly significant. No o ther people have ever, under such conditions, maintained th e ir nationality. I t is a m iracle ex­ plained by prophecy. A book called “The Jew ish People in F igures,” pub­ lished in Berlin, contains th e latest cen­ sus of Jews and says they number ap­ proximately fourteen million. This large number of Jews is phenomenal when we look back to the end of th e 17th cen­ tu ry when th ere were only one million Jews all over th e world. During the 18 th century, when favorable economi­ cal and political conditions were cre­ ated, th e Jew ish population of th e world increased to two and a half million. During the 19 th century, when condi­ tions were still more improved, th e num ­ b er of Jews increased from four to five times, reaching twelve millions about the beginning of the 20th century. XT. S. Senate Favors Zionism On May 3, th e Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States reported a resolution to th e Senate Which was unanimously adopted w ithout discussion. I t reads as follows: “Resolved, th a t th e United States of America favors the establishm ent in P a le s tin e „ of the National Home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood th a t nothing shall be done which may prejudice th e civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine, and th a t th e holy places and religious buildings and sites in P alestine shall be adequately protected.” This action of th e Senate has caused great joy and satisfaction, and fresh courage on th e p a rt of the Zionistic Jews th roughou t the world. P resident H arding in a le tte r to the

41 P alestine Foundation F und Committee said: " I have always viewed w ith an in terest which I th ink is quite as much practical as sentimental, the proposal fo r the rehabilitation of Palestine, and th e restoration of a real Jewish nation ­ ality, and I hope the effort now being carried on in th is and other countries in th is behalf may meet the fullest .measure of success.” Pope Very Solicitous The Vatican is doing everything pos­ sible to fru stra te G reat B ritain ’s man­ datory righ ts in Palestine. In a protest to th e League of Nations, the Vatican becomes very tender hearted and solic­ itous on behalf of the m inorities in the Holy Land. Does th a t mean th a t the Roman Catholic power, w ith its long history of m ight and Jesuitical cunning versus th e righ ts of the human con­ science, has suddenly seen th e erro r of her ways and has started to make amends? No indeed! It is B ritain ’s P ro testan t freedom-loving and freedom­ spreading institutions in Palestine th a t the Rom ish Church dreads. Rome has seldom shown such love for th e Jewish race— a race th a t has, humanly speak­ ing, given unto the world the Man Jesus, and also th a t woman, the human mother of Jesus, whom Rome adores so much. But Rome hates P rotestantism even more th an she does the Jewish race. Rome does not like to see the Bible become more and more the free and open Book of the people; she does not like to see th e hum an soul having free access direct to th e h ea rt of God in and through Jesus Christ w ithout the aid of priests of any. kind. Palestine is gradually waking up to such spiritual freedom, hence all these Papal protest­ ings and shedding of crocodile tears over the rights of m inorities in P alestine and what the Jews may o r may not do to the holy places of the Romish Church in th a t land!

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