King's Business - 1923-01

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® H O M I L E' T I C A L H E L P S Suggestive Bible Readings

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SEVEN BIBLE BOTTLES 1. The W ater Bottle— (H ag ar’s) (Gen. 21:14, 15, 19). Refreshment. 2. The W ine Bottle (Matt. 9 :17 ; Mk. 2 :22 ; Lk. 5:37; 1 Sam. 1:24; 2 -Sam . 1 6 :1 ). _ Sustainment. 3. The Milk Bottle (Judges 4 :19 ; 1 Pet. 2 :2 ). Nourishment. 4. The T ear Bottle (Ps. 56 :8 ). Encouragement. 5. The Cloud Bottle (Job 38 :37 ). Wonderment. 6. The B roken Bottle (Isa. 30 :14 ). (Margin) Judgment. 7. The T erro r Bottle (Jer. 13!12-14). Punishment. — J. M. AN ALPHABET Setting fo rth Divine names and titles of our Blessed Lord. A dovcate (1 Jno. 2 :1 ) B rig h t and Morning S tar (Rev. 22:16)

1. In speech, v. 7. 2. In reception of reproof, v. 10. 3. In folly, v. 12. 4. In finances, v. 16. 5. In filial relations, v. '21.

6. In vision, v. 24. 7. In wisdom, v. 28.

— Harold Bingham.


1. Manifested, 1 John 4:9. 2. Commended, Rom. 5:8. 3. Bestowed, 1 John. 3:1. 4. Enjoyed, Rom. 5:5. 5. Perceived, 1 John 3:16. 6. Perfected, 1 John 2:5. 7. T rium phant, Rom. 8:29.

— J. F.

CHRISTIANS “The disciples were called Christians first a t Antioch.” , (Acts 11:26.) C hildren of God, Rom. 8:16 H eirs. of God, Rom. 8:17 R edeemed of God, Rev. 5:9 I m itato rs of God, Eph. 5:1 S ervants of Christ, Eph. 6:6 T emple of God, 1 Cor. 3:16 I mage of God, Rom. 8:29 A pproved unto God, 2 Tim. 2:15 N ew C reatures, 2 Cor. 5:17 8 alt of th e E arth , Matt. 5:13 “W alk worthy.” —R. L. B.

C ounsellor (Isaiah 9 :6 ) D eliverer (Heb.' 2:15 ) E tern al Life (1 Jno. 5:20) F riend (Prov. 18:24) G od th e Son (1 Jno. 1:3) H iding place (Psa. 32:7) I mmanuel (Matt. 1:23) J esus (Matt. 1:25) K ing of Kings’— L ord of Lords (Rev. 19:16)

M an (Christ Jesus) (1 Tim. 2:5) N azarene (Matt. 2:23)

O bedient One (Phil. 2 :8 ) P riest (Heb. 2 :17 ; 4 :15)

Q uickening Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45) R edeemer (Job 19:25; Psa. 19:14) S aviour (1 Tim. 2:3)

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