King's Business - 1923-01

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“A New Y ear is upon us, w ith new duties, new conflicts, new trials and new opportunities. S ta rt on th e journey w ith Jesus— to w alk w ith Him, to w ork w ith Him, and to w in souls to H im . This may be th e la st y ear of our lives, b u t a happy year it w ill be to those who, th rough every p a th of tria l, o r up every h ill of difficulty, or over every sunny height, m arch on in closest fellowship w ith Jesu s.” (Theodore L. Cuyler.)

“I w an t th e New Y ear’s opening days To fill w ith love, and p rayer and praise. Some little th ing s to do fo r Thee, l o r Thou h a st done g rea t things fo r me. “I w an t some o th er soul to b ring To Thee, my Saviour and my King, Thou w ilt not, Lord, my prayer deny, F o r Thou canst all my w ants supply. “In Jesu s’ nam e ou r p ray er we raise, Whose guiding h and has blessed o u r days. And may we, Lord, in godly fear Serve Thee th rough all th is coming year.”


ANNO DOMINI, 1923 There it stands, “ The Year of Our Lord, 1923” ! While it is true that thousands of people reject Jesus Christ as Lord, yet not one of them can make a contract, sign a deed, make a will, transact any business by letter, publish a hook or paper of any kind, without setting his seal to thè universally admitted fact that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, revealed in the flesh as recorded in the Bible, attested to by living witnesses, was indeed LORD. There it stands, “ A. D. 1923,” and millions of papers, letters and official documents will hear the inscription and broadcast the truth that this is the year of our Lord. It confronts every infidel, every Christ-deny- ing sceptic, every apostate preacher and teacher,—“ Jesus Christ, born of the virgin, is LORD.” \ When New Year’s Day comes and the greeting is given “ Happy New Year” it will be a testimony to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 1923 years ago He opened His eyes in the midst of a ruined world. He was cradled in a manger. Love brought Him here from Heaven’s courts. Love kept Him here, dominated Him, in the pilgrim path while the shadows of the Cross were upon Him. Love was transparent in every act, word and deed of His life, and was manifest in its fullest flower upon the Cross when He bore the sins of the world and satisfied every demand of righteous judgment. He died as the Lamb of God and bore away the sins of men, and He was LORD. He broke the bars of death and came forth a victor. He was

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