King's Business - 1923-01

um uiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiimb

i H I f 1 *■111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiniiiiiiiiininiii 111111111117' Golden Text.— Likewise, ye younger, subm it yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed w ith hum ility, for God resisteth th e proud, and giveth grace to th e humble. 1 Pet. 5:5. LESSON TEXT Luke 14:7-14. (Read Jn . 3:1-17; Phil. 2:5-11.) 1 (7) A n d he p ut fo rth a parable to those w hch were bidden, when he m arked how th ey chose out the c h ie f room s; sa y in g unto them , (8) W hen thou a rt bidden o f an y man to a w edding, sit not down in the h igh est room ; le st a more honorable m an th an thou be bidden o f him : (9) A n d he th a t bade thee and him come and sa y to thee, G iv e .this m an place; and thou b egin w ith shame to ta k e the low est room . (10) B ut when thou a rt bidden, go and sit down in the low est room ; th a t when he th a t bade thee com eth, he m ay say unto thee, F rien d , go up h igh er: th en Sh alt th ou have w orship in Outline: (1) The Hostile Home, vs. 1-6. .the presence o f them th a t sit at m eat w ith thee. (11) F o r w hosoever ex alteth h im self sh a ll be abased; and he th a t h um b leth h im se lf sh all be exalted. (12) Then said he also to him th at bade him , W hen thou m akest a . dinner or a supper, ca ll not th y frien ds, nor th y b rethren, neither th y kinsm en, nor th y rich n eighbo rs; lest th ey also . bid thee a g a in , and a recompense be made thee. (13) B u t w hen thou m akest a fe ast, ca ll the poor, the m aim ed, the lam e, the b lin d : (14)' A n d thou sh a lt be blessed; fo r th ey cannot recom pense th ee: fo r thou sh a lt be recompensed at the resu rrection o f the ju st. th e lesson so applicable to our home life, our church life, our social life. It is a h a rd lesson to learn, and h ard er still to live. (1) THE HOSTILE HOME, vs. 1-6. “They watched him .” INTERNATIONAL I I SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS EXPOSITION and PERTINENT QUESTIONS on LESSON - T .C . Horton DEVOTIONAL COMMENT - .................................... Dr. F.W. Farr COMMENT - - * - - - - Keith L. Brooks ELEMENTARY - Mabel L. Merrill BLACKBOARD S K E T C H ............................................. - - Em Hansell JANUARY 14, 1923 JESUS TEACHING HUMILITY

(2) The Humble Honored, vs. 7-11. (3 ) The Humbled Host, vs. 12-14. Introduction: We have here one of th e lessons most needed in our day. We have grown rich and prosperous in th is country, and in consequence we have— even in our church life— acquired LESSON false habits of living EXPOSITION which are detrim ental T. C. H orton to th e best in terests of th e ideal Christian life and th e ideal life of the church. It is well, therefore, for us to sit at th e feet of Jesus and tak e to our h earts

The scene is laid in th e home of a Ph arisee on a Sahhath Day. Jesus was an invited guest, of course. He would accept an invitation from any one. To Him, the field of service was th e world, and th e purpose behind th e invitation was evident, for they had an incurable man th ere in o rder th a t they m ight te st Jesus. Would He om it His custom of healing, knowing th eir a ttitu d e con­ cerning th e Sabbath? Or would He be REGARDING THE REWARDS FOR

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