King's Business - 1923-01

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S is rendered all th e more gracious in its form by its being represented as more for our in terest to show a kindness which will draw down a recompense from God th a n a hospitality which men will re p a y s-B e n g e l. We may reason­ ably expect recompense from heaven for such good works as we do for which we are not recompensed on earth . God’s recompense of us for doing our duty in obedience to His commands is oft "in de­ ferred un til th e resu rrection of th e ju st.—Van Oosterzee. Let us not be disappointed and troubled a t not re­ ceiving a recompense from men on earth. R ath er let us be troubled when we re­ ceive it lest we learn to look only for rew ard on ea rth and so lose our rew ard in heaven.— Chrysostom. The resu rrec­ tio n of th e ju st. The resurrection of the ju st is th e first resurrection (Rev. 2 0 :5 ), when, a t th e Lord’s second com­ ing, th e dead in Him shall rise (1 Thess. 4 :16 ) and th e living in Him be caught up to meet Him in the air (1 Thess. 4 :17 ; cf. Lk. 2 0 :3 5 ). The first resu r­ rection will include only the saved and will precede th e second— th a t of non­ believers and disbelievers— in point of tim e by a t least one thousand years.—1 Ellicott. The Story of a G reat D inner. Luke 14:7-14. Memory Verse.— “My little children, le t us no t love in word, n either in tongue; bu t in deed and in tru th .” 1 John 3:18. Approach.— Do not fail to explain how th e guests were seated a t a dinner. Secure a picture if possible to show to the children, or draw on blackboard I wonder how manj BEGINNERS of you boys or girls AND PRIMARY were ever invited Mabel L. M errill out to a d i n n e r where th e re w e r e

52 p u t themselves lowest and dispraise themselves in a set purpose to he placed higher, is by th e very n atu re of our Lord’s parable excluded. The exalta­ tion, a t th e hands of th e host is not to be a subjective end to the guest, bu t will follow tru e hum ility.—Alford. v. 11. Whosoever exalteth himself. F o r an example of such hum iliation see Isa. 14:13-15, and of such exaltation see Phil. 2:5-11__Willcock. In spir­ itu al things th e highest place is the most excellent and desirable. Christ’s love alone, however, can give us a title to even the lowest rooms in the sp iritual world.— Brameld. v. 12. Call no t th y friends, This lan­ guage does not forbid hospitality nor th e en tertainm en t of friends. H is own practice shows th a t it does not. He means to say, “ If you wish recompense, as you Pharisees do (for you give din­ ners th a t you may gain power and ad­ vance yourselves in th e synagogue and tem p le), call the poor. E n te rta in your friends, bu t still more feed th e hungry and relieve those who are in distress.— Cumming. L est they bid th e e again. The essence of hospitality is giving, not getting. Much en tertain ing is done for th e sake of policy. Jesus did not mean us to dispense w ith th e duties of ordi­ nary fellowship. But since th ere was no exercise of principle involved in it save of selfishness itself, H is object was to inculcate over and above everything of th is kind, such atten tion s to th e help­ less, and provision fo r them , as from th e ir inability to m ake any retu rn would m anifest th e ir own disinterested­ ness and, like every other exercise of high religious principle, meet w ith cor­ responding gracious recompense.— Brown. Recompense be m ade thee. Some of us get so much th ank s down here th a t th e re will be very little left to come to us a t th e resu rrection of the ju st when we shall stand before the judgm en t’ seat of Christ to receive our rew ards (2 Cor. 5 :1 0 ). v. 13. Call th e poor. In a world In which th e re is so much w ant and misery to relieve, a tru e follower of Jesus Christ will not spend much tim e in th e en ter­ tainm ent of those who have no need.— Torrey. The duty is recognized in an­ o th er form by Nehemiah, who says th a t if we ea t th e fa t and d rink th e sweet, we should send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared (Neh. 8 :1 0 ). — Camb. Bible. v. 14. Thou sh a lt be recompensed. The recommendation Christ h ere gives

too many people for all to sit a t th e first table, and you had to w ait un til the big folks had finished? Helen, I wondef if you were real sweet and pleasant, and were willing to play and have a good tim e while th e rest were eating? One tim e I was a t a dinner and th e children KEEP THE SILVER DOLLAR SMILING,

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