King's Business - 1923-01

53 th e best seats a t th e table. Jesus felt very sorry to see th e people acting so selfishly, and now listen to what he said to them . He told them it would be much b etter if they would tak e ju st th e ordinary seats and leave the chief seats for others, and then when th e one in whose home th e dinner was held, came in he would see they were not selfish in choosing th e best seats, and perhaps he would ask them to ta k e a b etter seat, bu t if they chose th e best seat first, th en they m ight be asked to step down into a lower seat, and how ashamed they would feel. H ere is a good place for our memory verse, the words of Jesu s: “My little children, let us not love in word, n eith er w ith th e tongue; b u t in deed and tru th .” Now th a t means th a t if we tru ly love Jesus in our hearts, we will show it by th e way we act.. We will not ju st say we love Jesus w ith our tongues, bu t we will show it by the things we do. We will not be selfish and always w ant to have our own way, but we will be lov­ ing and kind, even though we some­ times have a h ard time. Closing P ray er—Dear Lord Jesus, help us to show our love day by day in our homes, in our play and every­ where in our lives. BE S U R E fo get the new studies in Luke’s Gospel, just pub­ lished by Biola Boob Room. Invaluable f o r preparing International Lessons. 50c for the set.

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S had to wait, and one little boy acted very naughty indeed because he could not eat a t th e first table. Now boys and girls, you know if we belong to Jesus, and we are letting His love fill our h earts, we will be w illing to eat a t th e second table and be sweet and p atien t about it. One of th e little girls a t th is same dinner showed such a sweet spirit, and she took the naughty little boy outdoors and p retty soon had him playing some games so he would forget about the dinner. This helped the m other of th e naughty boy so much. Let us bow our heads and ask Jesus to help us to always show a sweet and loving sp irit wherever we may be. Lesson Story— In our story last week we heard about Jesus healing a woman who had been sick for eighteen years, and some of th e enemies of Jesu s were finding fau lt w ith Him because He had healed her on th e Sabbath day. Boys and girls, w hat would you th ink of a doctor who was called on Sunday to a home where a person was very sick and suffering, who would say he could no t come and help th e person because it was Sunday? Yes, indeed we would th ink , him a very cruel doctor to a l­ low the sick person to suffer and per­ haps die because he would not come and help. That is ju st th e reason Jesus healed the poor suffering woman on the Sabbath day in th e church, because He did not w ant to see her suffer another m inute, and He wanted to teach th e people th a t it was righ t to do good on th e Sabbath day. In our story to-day Jesus is a t a dinner in a home on the Sabbath day, hu t the food was all cooked th e day before. W hat do you th ink happened a t th is dinner? Well, Jesus saw th e grown up folks acting ju st like the naughty little boy. Of course they did not do ju st th e things he did, bu t they were trying to have

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