King's Business - 1923-01



made th e old fath e r feel? Yes, it made him feel very sad, for he knew home was th e best place for the boy to be, and he knew too of th e many dangers and tem ptations th a t would come to his boy in th e far country to which he was going. Now our th ird picture shows th e younger son in th e far country spending his money and having what he though t was a good time. He was not careful about the kind of people he went w ith and when th e people in the far country found he had money, th ey showed themselves very friendly, so he would spend his money and give them tre a ts and tak e them to many places w ith him. These people were no t tru e friends but ju st wanted his money. A fter a tim e th is money was all spent and th ere was a fam ine in th e land, and th is »young man was hungry and did not have any money to buy food, and he could not find any work to do, and he went and asked a man who owned a large num ­ ber of hogs for some work, and he set

him to feeding the' hogs. This was a very lowly position and th e people who did it were not thought very much of. Where were all the friends who stood by him when he had money? Yes, th e1 were gone, for they were not tru«. friends. The food fo r th e hogs was beanpods, and th a t was all the food the young man had to eat. Now th e young man began to th in k of th e old home where there was plenty of everything. Our la st pictu re shows his retu rn home and welcome by th e father. The fath er loved his boy even though he had left home, spent all his money and lived a wicked life, b u t now he has come back home to his fath er and he is sorry for th e wrong and th e fa th e r forgiven. Boys and girls, this is such a beautiful picture of the way Jesus tre a ts us. We have sinned and grieved Him so many times, b u t when we are sorry fo r our sin and come back to Him, he forgives us and welcomes us back. (Teach memory verse. A splendid decision les­ son.) Closing prayer.


Golden Text.— Charge them th a t are rich in th is world, th a t they be not highm inded, nor tru st in uncertain riches, b u t in th e living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy. 1 Tim, 6:17. LESSON TEXT Luke 16:19-31. (Read Ps. 49:6-20; 73; 2 Cor. 8 :1 -9 :15 ; 1 Tim. 6:17-319.) (19) There w as a certain rich m an, w hich w as clothed in purple and fine lin en , and fared sum ptuo u sly every d ay: (20) A n d there w as a certain b eg g a r nam ed L a z a rus, w h ich w as laid a t his ga te, fu ll o f sores. (21) A n d d esirin g to be fed w ith the crum bs w hich fe ll from the rich m an’s ta b le : moreover the dogs cam e and lick ed h is sores. (22) A n d it cam e to pass, th a t the b e g g a r died, and w as carried b y the an g els into A b rah am ’s bosom : the rich m an also died, and w as buried; (23) A nd in hell he lift up his eyes, b ein g in torm ents, and seeth A b ra ham a fa r off, and L azaru s in his bosom . (24) A n d he cried, and said, F a th e r A b raham , have m ercy on me, and send L azaru s, th at he m ay dip the tip o f his finger in w ater, and cool m y to n gu e; fo r I am torm ented in th is flam e. (25) B u t A b raham said , Son, rem ember th at th ou in th y life tim e reeeivedst th y good th in g s, and lik ew ise Lazaru s evil th in g s; but now he is com fo rted, and thou are torm ented. (26) A n d besides a ll th is, betw een us and you there is a g re a t g u lf fixed: so th a t th e y w hich w ould pass from hence to you can n o t; neither can th ey pass to us, th a t would come from thence. (27) T hen he said- I p ray thee th erefore, fa th e r, th at thou w ouldest send him to m y fa th e r’s house: (28) F o r I have five brethren; th a t he m ay te s tify unto them , lest th ey also com e into this p lace o f torm ent. (29) A b raham .saith unto him , T h ey have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them . (30) A nd he said, N ay, fa th e r A b rah am : b ut if one w ent unto them from the dead, th ey w ill repent. (31) A n d he said unto him , I f th ey hear not Moses and the prophets, n either w ill th ey be persuaded, th ou gh one rose from the dead. REGARDING THE REWARDS FOR

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