King's Business - 1923-01

73 our thanks, for He is th e giver of every good 'and perfect gift. Then le t us re­ member our parents, teachers and all whp show us kindnesses. Now boys and girls, what kind of a lesson are we going to teach from now on? Are we going to be like the nine who forgot to say th ank you? Closing P rayer. THE WORST SERMONS Consistency may be defined as conse­ cration in practice. One has said, “The most successful preachers against Chris­ tian ity are inconsistent professors. The bad sermons of th e life are an over­ match for th e best words of the lips. To pray in th e sanctuary and to cheat on th e Exchange; to kneel a t th e Com­ munion table and to oppress th e poor; to profess brotherly love and to slander our neighbor; to sing of Calvary and heaven and put wrong figures in the ledger, is to bring about th e scorn, and not th e salvation, of th e world, and to brand ourselves as hypocrites whose false label th e Master will indignantly te a r off w ith His own hand a t th e last day.” Consistency is made up of the following characteristics. Pureness of h eart is its inn er, shrine (1 Tim. 1 :5 ), reality is its open face (2 Cor. 3 :1 8 ), righteousness is its outw ard acts (Titus 2 : 1 2 ), singleness of aim is its arden t desire (2 Cor. 5:9, R .V .), holiness is its lovely bloom (1 Thess. 2 :1 0 ), con­ stancy is its even walk (Rom. 2 :7 ), and happiness is its loving service (Rom, 16:3, 9 ) —P. E. Marsh. 'd S f as LAW AND GRACE J. Mason wrote th a t th e law was giv­ en to humble us, the Gospel to comfort us; th e law to cast us down and the Gosper to raise us up; th e law to dis­ cover sin and the Gospel to . discover grace and th e Saviour.

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S power, for all lepers knew th ere was no cure for th e ir disease, and they had heard th a t He was th e friend of lepers. When Jesus saw these lepers and heard th e ir call to Him, he told the ten men to go and show themselves to the priests. Whenever any person though t he was getting leprosy, he must always go to the priest, and if th e priest said it was leprosy, then he could not go back to his home and live among well people, bu t had to do as these ten men were doing, staying away to them ­ selves. Now these men had been to the priests and had been sent away as lepers; why go again unless they could show themselves healed? They did not stop to argue about th e m atter a t all, but sta rted a t once to go to th e priest. I wonder what they, were thinking and talk ing about as they walked along th e road to show themselves to th e priest. Perhaps they were feeling sad and dis­ appointed th a t Jesus did not heal them rig h t away. Then as they walked along something wonderful happened, fo r they noticed th a t th e leprosy was all gone and th e ir flesh was clean and well again. Now th e re are only nine going down the road hu rry ing as fast as they can walk to get to th e priest, who Will let them go to th e ir homes now th a t they are cured. One oi the men has turned around and is hurry ing back to Jesus. Can you guess why he i s . going back afte r he is cured? . Yes, Henry, th a t is rig h t; he is going back to say th ank you to Jesus. The Bible says he praised God w ith a loud voice, and fell down on his face a t th e feet of Jesus and gave thanks. T hat is the way we should do, praise God w ith a voice th a t others can hear, and do you know if we would always remember to praise God for all th e blessings he gives us, others would w ant to know our Jesus too. Our memory verse tells us to give th ank s unto Him, and bless H is name. God is always th e first one to receive

(Inside Front Cover)

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