King's Business - 1923-01

78 W hat was it the preacher said the young man would do? (Take away the sins of the world.) W hat is a sin? Who are sinners? How many of you ever told a lie? How many ever took something th a t didn’t belong to them? (Be sure you do not let any scholar evade the tru th . Make it clear, and bring them all to confess th a t th e y are sinners. Tell them , “One sin makes a sinn er:’’ This is absolutely th e FUN*. DAMENTAL need— to know and under­ stand what sin is. We cannot hope to create in th e hearts of the children a desire for a Savior, un til they realize th a t they are sinners.) Who sees us when we sin? Does God love sinners? Does He love us when we sin? Do we lov.e wrong-doing in any one? , Sin brings all the sorrow th ere is into th e world. (Tell the children the story of Adam and Eve, the Garden S tory.) All th e fru it trees in the garden be­ longed to Adam and Eve, except one tree., W hat did God say about th a t one tree? (Ye shall not eat of it.) 1 When Adam and Eve took the fru it of th a t tree,' they stole, they sinned, they broke God’s law, , Every one born into the world since' th a t time has been a sinner (ju st as you and I a re ). They have told stories; they have

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NE S S ^ taken things th a t did not belong to them ; they have disobeyed God. (Now come back to the story of the “Two Strange Men.” ) W hat was the name of th is young man whom the preacher called “The Lamb of God” ? (Jesus C h rist). W hat was th e name of th e preacher? (John th e Baptist.) W hat was it the preacher said the Lamb of God would do? (Take away the sins of th e world.) To take away sin He must die. He did die On th e cross. He loves everybody so much th a t He was willing to die for them. He died for you. He died for all boys and girls. He died for me. He wants YOU to come to Him— to take Him into your h ea rt; to say th a t He is your Savior and your Shepherd, (Isa. 40:11) “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gath er the lambs in his arm , and carry them in his bosom.” When you see a cross th ink of GOD’S LAMB—your Savior— dying for YOU. Memory Verses— John 3 :16 ; 1 Peter 1:19. Ask th e children to commit these verses to memory and to read the re ­ maining verses of th e chapter (John 1: 35-51) during the week. Tell them th a t the next lesson will be another story about these Two S trange Young Men.


(There is so much m aterial in this Second Chapter th a t we are sug­ gesting Two Themes and Two Outlines, so th a t choice may be made between

them .) This lesson follows the “Temptation of Jesus,” the “Call of His Disciples” and th e “F irst Passover,”

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