King's Business - 1923-01



is a tim e of festivity; it is a social gathering. He is th e re as a guest and we have a, perfect rig h t to use our im ­ agination concerning His attitu d e and demeanor. H is presence cast no chill upon th e gathering. He was cordial, kind and sociable. We must accustom ourselves in these studies to th in k of Him as God manifest in th e flesh, but truly a man. He is th e Creator of all things, yet He mingled w ith th e people and followed the customs of th e Jews. Now a fte r a season a t th e wedding, where, according to th e custom, they had food and drink, th e wine gave out, perhaps because they had not expected so many guests. (2) THE WANT, v. 3,“ They have no wine ” The mother of Jesus comes in a per­ fectly n atu ra l way and tells Him, “They have no w ine.” It was an em­ barrassing position for Him, for the guests and for the host. His mother comes to Him as Mary and M artha did about Lazarus. (John 11 :3 .) “T h e re fo re h is s is te rs s e n t u n to h im , saying;, L o rd , b eh o ld , h e w h om th o u lo v e st is sic k .” . There is no record of His working any m iracle before this. Why did His mother come to Him? Was it in tu ­ ition? . He was th irty years old. She had lived in th e home w ith Him un til now. Did she sense th e g reat tru th th a t He was th e source of supply for human needs? In any event she was surely led to do th e wise thing. It was a tim e of need in th a t home, bu t it was also th e h o u r of th e world’s need. There had been g rea t expecta­ tion. The prophets had spoken. The Jewish race had waited. The world was suffering w ith h ea rt hunger. He had come fo r th is very purpose,— to m inister to th e need of hungry hearts. God perm its a need in order to make men feel th e depth of th eir own help­ lessness and to compel them to look to Him. (Matt. 26:28.)

MRSX THEME: THE WEDDING Golden Text: “His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” The Place: Cana of Galilee. The Persons: Jesus, His Disciples, His Mother. The F acts: The Wedding, The Need and The Miracle. F irs t Outline: (1 ) The Wedding, vs. 1, 2. (2) The Want, vs. 3. “There was a m arriage.” The place of th e wedding was Cana of Galilee. The persons mentioned are Jesus, H is disciples, H is mother, the governor, th e guests and the servants. There were th ree days between Beth- abara, where John was baptizing, and Cana, which was the home of Nathanael. Jesus had been in th e wilderness. Now He comes to th e town to attend a wedding feast, and' a wedding links His p riv ate' life w ith His public m inistry. The tran sition is natu ral. His m inistry commenced in a home. God’s first act afte r th e creation wasv a wedding and He H imself performed the ceremony. Jesus begins H is m inis­ try w ith a wedding and the first event in the next dispensation will be th e m arriage supper of the Lamb. (John 3:29.) The invitations to th is cere­ mony are all out. (Matt. 22:2.) And blessed forever are those who shall con­ stitu te th e Bride. (Eph. 5:30.) It is well to note in th e beginning of th e life of our Lord and of His m inistry th e perfect n atu ralness of th e story in all of its details. W hether in a home w ith His disciples

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