King's Business - 1923-01


THE ' K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

and “He by th e grace of God tasted death for every man.” Heb. 2:9. ¿¡fe .3!4. m m THE JUNIORS (Tell th e children about a sign-post. Then review th e story about th e Lam b.) Who was it th a t was called “The Lamb of God” ? Why was he called a Lamb? Who heard Hohn th e B aptist say, “Be­ hold” ?. . W hat did they do? Why did they follow Him? Whom should we follow? (W hat kind of boys and g irls?) Whom should we follow so th a t it would be rig h t for others to follow us? W hat kind of boys and girls help you most? Did Jesu s see th e two men following Him? W hat did He say? (Come and see.)' Is anybody following you? Is your life a sign-post? W hat is on it? If you know Jesus as your Lamb will your life be a sign-post? W hat will it say? .(Come and see!) If we have tak en Jesus as our Lamb, and H is blood has atoned, (paid th e penalty) for our sins, will not our lives be different? W hat were th e names of th e two men who- followed? (Andrew and John.) What did Andrew do? Whom did he say he had found?

th e boast of ungodly feminism—-all point to the fact th a t Jesus Christ is unknown a t most weddings, and in the home circle of th is sceptical age. Second. The modern theologians had decided upon having a "democratic tem ­ ple.” To have a temple w ith such splendid spaces used for nothing but divine worship would g rate upon the sensibilities of th é crowd who consid­ ered gain th e summum bonum' of life. The attendance would be b etter if the standard s were lowered, so th e social service experts opened th e temple for dove merchants, oxen and sheep com­ mission dealers and some curb stone bankers. “Take these things hence! make not the house of my F a th e r a house of m erchandise!” This is His order for His house for-all ages. I t is a house of prayer for all nations. Third. A fter He chased th e degen­ erates forth, they asked: ‘-‘W hat sign showest Thou to us th a t Thou doest these th ing s?” H is statem en t: “An evil and adulterous generation seeketh a sign,” is significant. The lowest type of faith and profession exalts .the phys­ ical man and places ' physical signs above sp iritual blessings. The highest faith walks by fait'h and not by sight. The body is kep t under. F ou rth . He m eets th e ir challenge w ith His prom ise of raising Himself from %mong the dead. “ I have the power to lay down my life and th e power to tak e it up again.” “ I am th e resurrection and th e life.” “ I will raise him up a t th e last day.” These words enfold a dying- race and send a shining ray of hope th roughout th e universe. F ifth . He knoweth our frame, He re- membereth th a t we are dust. This makes all scholastic bombast th e merest p rattle of infants in H is sight. The wisdom of th is world is foolishness w ith God. This also presents our help­ lessness, moral failures, rebellious de­ fects and incurably wicked h earts all open before His eyes of mercy and love

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