King's Business - 1923-01



'Now today we have a wedding. (Of course the teachier will always read the lesson before trying to teach it, and get the picture in her own m ind first. It is easy to hold the atten tion of the children if you paint t h e . picture for them ,— first of th e home where Jesus was invited, the wedding, th e customs of the country, the people who were w ith Jesus, Peter, Andrew, t Jam es and John, etc., and His mother Mary; the wedding preparations, etc., making plain to th e children th e customs of the country, wearing sandals, no stockings, etc., which necessitated th e washing of th e guests’ feet, so th a t large water pots were always kept filled w ith w ater by th e door. As there were a g reat many guests a t th is wedding, all the Water had been used and the w ater pots were empty.) Jesu s was irtvited to th is wedding, in th e home. Does He love to come into the home? Whom did He bring with Him? Do you like to be invited to your friends’ homes? To a wedding? Did they do things then ju st 'as we do them now? (At th is wedding they ap­ pointed one man to be “Governor of the F east” to see th a t everything went right, every one had enough to eat and drink, and a good tim e generally.) W hat did they have to drink? (Grape juice.) Did they have enough grape juice to la st th rough th e feast? Did you ever have a party and have morei people come th a n you expected, and not have enough refreshm ents? W hat did you do? W hat did those people do? (They told th e governor; th e governor told the man of the house,1 then some­

one told Je su s’ mother, and she told Jesus. Then she said to th e people, “Whatsoever He saith unto'you, do it.” ) W hat was it Jesu s’ mother told the people? (T hat will be a good memory verse for us; Let us learn it for next week.) W hat did Jesus fell the people to do? A fter th e w ater-po ts were filled, what did He tell- them to do? (F ill the cups and pass around to all th e guests.) W hat happened to th e w ater afte r it was pu t into the pots? (Turned into grape juice.) W hat did th e governor of th e feast say about th is grape juice? (Best of all.) How could Jesus tu rn w ater into grape juice? How long does it take to make grape juice usually? (F irst th e grapevine must, be planted in the earth, then it must be watered and pruned; then the leaves come, then the flowers, finally th e little grapes, growing larger and larger, tu rn ing the sap which flows through th e roots,— into the vinettpand out into the branches, into grapes, which when ripe are gath- •ered and crushed.) Who makes th e vine grow, and tu rn s the w ater and the earth and th e sun­ shine into juicy grapes? Could He do all th a t in a m inute as easily as in a year? Who was th is man who turned the w ater into grape juice ju st in a m inute? (God’s Son.) Why did He do it? (Because they needed it.) Does Jesus love to supply our needs? What do we need most of all? (E tern al life.) Does He supply it? Memory Verse': John 3:16.


Place: Samaria, n e a r Syehar. P erson s: Je su s; His disciples; the Woman; th e Samaritans. Best Verse: 10. Key Verse: 27.

Theme: The Immoral Inquirer. Time: A fter the Imprisonment of John th e Baptist. Christ is on His way to Galilee.

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