2023 Annual Report

Message from the Chief For 150 years, the Fort Worth Police Department has remained at the forefront of modeling innovative ways to serve and protect the Fort Worth community. Since March 1, 1873, we have seen our mission evolve; however, the essence of sound police work is the same as it was in those early wild west days of Fort Worth ’ s past: recognizing the community's need for protection and assistance, and meeting those needs in an orderly, efficient fashion. No matter how much the world changes in the years to come, the police officer will continue to be the one that people look to in times of crisis and those officers will be the ones to rise to the occasion. To learn more about the history of the Fort Worth Police Department, visit our Historical Association website at https://fwpdhistory.org/. I am proud to say that as a department we have accomplished a great deal together over this past year. My vision for this department continues to focus on these three pillars: Safety, Wellness, and Resiliency. These pillars are indicative of our commitment to the community and to our officers. The interconnection of the three pillars help guide the department in our vision of making Fort Worth the nation ’ s safest major city. The pillars also form the foundation of the department ’ s FY2023 - FY2027 Strategic Plan, which began implementation in 2023 and can be viewed here: FY2023 - FY2027 Strategic Plan. I am honored to serve as your Chief of Police at this critical point in history and steer this department to another 150 years of exceptional service. It is an honor to work with the dedicated and professional staff within the Fort Worth Police Department who serve you each day.

It is my pleasure to present the 2023 Annual Report though this is only part of our story. To see more of what FWPD is doing, visit our website and social media pages (Facebook, X, and Instagram).

Neil Noakes Chief of Police


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