King's Business - 1949-07

Knows His Bible <£* Dr. Isaac Herzog is the chief rabbi of the present-day Israel. Currently he has been visiting United States cities in an effort to raise money for the United Jewish Appeal for the State of Israel. In the course of his journey, Rabbi Herzog called upon the President of the United States. During the course of their discussions, Herzog quoted from Psalm 126 in Hebrew. The Presi­ dent, in answer, reached into his desk for his English Bible to read the same passage. Fifteen minutes later, they were still swapping Biblical quotations, and when later newsmen asked Rabbi Herzog if he found the President re­ ligious, he commented, “He knows his Bible,” and “He .is permeated with prophetic ideas and the Bible is very much of the fabric of his thought.” Drinking Causes Divorce A report from the Juvenile Court in the City of San Francisco lists alcohol as one of the major causes of divorce. After a study of 341 cases, this con­ clusion had been reached, “ The majority of the cases indicated that alcohol was one of the major contributing reasons for divorce with the husband the chief offender. It seems that the majority of these cases apparently drank before marriage and excessively after mar­ riage. Another contributing cause was a lack of religion and religious training in the home.” 59th Nation Just before the first anniversary of Israel’s independence, the General As­ sembly of the United Nations Organi­ zation voted to admit Israel as the 59th member. This vote ended a battle of more than two years for national recog­ nition by Israel. Of course, the Near East nations of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Arabia, Yemen, and Lebanon strenu­ ously objected. Israel’s Foreign Minister, Moshe Sharett, quoted from the Prophet Isaiah: “ Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” According to our Bibles, however, there is still the time of “ Jac­ ob’s trouble” to come before the fulfill­ ment of Isaiah’s words. Doctor of Laws •S* To His Majesty, Emperor Haile Sel- lasie I, of Ethiopia, Wheaton College will grant the LL.D. degree at its annual commencement exercises. In noti­ fying the Emperor of Ethiopia of this honor, Dr. Edman, the president of the college, wrote that it was being granted because of his outstanding service to the people of his empire, both in days of sorrow as well as the present, and be­ cause of his outstanding Christian testi­ mony. The Emperor will be represented at the graduating exercises by His Excellency Ras Imru, Minister of the Imperial Ethiopian legation. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

William W . Orr, D.D.

Clergy Shortage & According to Dr. Pierson Parker of the Episcopal Church, his church is pro­ ducing only three clergymen to fill each five new positions and this shortage of clerical leaders extends through the en­ tire field of religion. Furthermore, Dr. Parker declared that it is up to the United States to meet this lack, pointing out the inability of other countries to do the job due to the war. Dr. Parker did not add that mission fields are also call­ ing for workers today as never before in history. Not So United «S* The boasted airtight unity of the Roman Catholic Church is constantly proved to be a myth. Four lay Catholic educators have been teaching in Boston College. Both explicitly taught that there might be some salvation outside the Catholic Church, that a man might be saved without claiming that Church to be supreme above all churches, and that a man might be saved without sub­ mission to the Pope. No small stir was occasioned when this information became public with the result that these teachers were dismissed and accused of heresy because such teachings were said to be contrary to the dictums of the Roman Catholic Church. F.D.R/s Faith <£* Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is currently writing a series of articles for McCall’s. With reference to her late husband’s religious life, she reports, “ I think he felt that in great crises he was guided by a strength and wisdom higher than his own.” With this statement we are in agreement, believing that a special measure of wisdom and direction will be given to all men in high positions of responsibility if they humbly ask it of God. Unusual wisdom may even be prayed down for our leaders by believe- ing, God-fearing people of our land, even Page Fourteen

though such leaders themselves may not be true Christians.

Visits Pope ^ In a recent vacation trip to Rome, Great Britain’s Princess Margaret Rose paid what is called a “ semi-official” visit to Pope Pius XII. This is the first visit to the Vatican of any of the royal fam­ ily since King George IV arid Queen Mary made a formal call on Pope Pius XI in 1923. The Princess was carefully instructed by her government not to kiss the papal ring, but many a British Protestant was righteously indignant over the whole matter. More Intelligent <9* Dr. Robert A. Millikan, the world- famous physicist, received a delegation of college students at his office on the campus of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. The young people had gone to find out how the noted scientist would answer the ques­ tion, “How do alcoholic beverages ham­ per a person in his education?” Dr. Mil­ likan, whose intelligence certainly can­ not be questioned, replied, “ So far as both the health and economic well-being of the United States are concerned, it would have been far more intelligent to pour that $9,640,000,000 worth of alcoholic liquor down the drain than to drink it. Moreover, I think it is un­ intelligent for anyone to take into his system regularly a habit-forming drug such as alcohol. The biggest social force in the world is the force of example. What we do is more important than what we say. Again, the experts tell us that driving accidents can be caused by the consumption of even one glass of beer. /Even small quantities of alcohol slow down the quickness of our reac­ tions. In half of the automobile acci­ dents on the roads, tests show that the drivers had alcohol on the breath.”

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