King's Business - 1949-07

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SPIRITUAL FEAST / Each year the Bible Institute of Los

Angeles sponsors a week of Bible Conference at beautiful Mt. Hermon Conference grounds, near Santa Cruz, California. Plan to attend and share in the blessings. AUGUST 14-211949 BIBLE TEACHERS DR. J. VERNON M cGEE DR. LOUIS T. TA LBO T DR . CHARLES L. FE INBERG DR. W IL L IA M W . ORR , Conference Director m U Ò I C . . ecrea Talented Musicians will lead ypu in • soul-inspiring music. i, Mt. Hermon is unexcelled for physical ion . . . relaxation and fun.

Plan to meet new and old friends in this Christian vacation Center o f the West.


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Your soul will be lifted to the heights

nAniPCltlon . . . in this spiritual atmosphere. ACCOMM ODAT ION S — Mt. Hermon offers accomm oda tions to suit every purse and every need. As well as hotel and dormitory rooms, there are private cabins and cottages available. This year special student rates are in effect. Write to Mt. Hermon asking for folder describing available accommodations.

IN F O R M A T I O N regarding reservations should be addressed to Dr. Fulton Lytle, Mt. Hermon, California. A ll other inquiries to Dr. Wiliam W . Orr, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE DF LDS ANGELES LOS ANGELES 13, CALIFORNIA T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 558 S. HOPE ST., Page Eighteen

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