One Hundred Per Cent Christians (Continued from Page 7) Jesus comes again, glory, in addition to praise and honor. Paul says, “ If we suffer with him, we may be also glori fied together.” Peter states: Beloved, think it not strange con cerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing hapr pened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are par takers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his GLORY shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy (1 Peter U:12, 13). There are, then, three possibilities for the believer. First, merely being saved from hell; second, doing something for Christ, or better, going all out for Him, no matter what the price may be. And as a result, when Jesus comes, your reward, your place in His kingdom for one thousand blessed years, will be de termined by your willingness to go all the way for Him now. The price may indeed seem very big, the way may be awfully hard, but at the end of the road, one smile from Him and His “ Well done” will repay every sacrifice we ever made for Him. Oh, the tragedy of meeting Him and being ashamed before Him at His ap pearing, to be saved, “ so as by fire,” and to receive something less than we might have had! My prayer for this class is that you may go out one hundred per cent for the Lord. I am overwhelmed with the possibilities, the potentialities, the pow er to move the world, which I see in you, if every one of you will go out and be nothing less than the best, one hun dred per cent for Christ in all of your service. “ Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life,” is the Lord’s assurance. Today the world is filled with mediocre Christians, something less than the best. In all of history it has been proven that God does His great work through that little group which is willing to pay the price in the light of the glorious reward, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes to set up His kingdom. Our churches are filled with thirty and sixty per centers, but only a handful of those who are carrying the real burden will also receive the reward. And, if it seems to you that the price is too great to pay, then compare the few brief years down here, if need be, of suffer ing and tears and sacrifice, with the one thousand blessed years of reign with Christ with the rewards which will come through faithful service. “ He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
God and the Cowboy (Continued from Page 15)
HOW MUCH I OWE By Robert Murray McCheyne
When this passing world is done, When has sunk yon glowing sun, When we stand with Christ in glory, Looking o’er life’s finished story, Then, Lord, shall I fully know— Not till then—how much I owe. When I stand before the throne, Dressed in beauty not my own, When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart, Then, Lord, shall I fully know— Not till then—how much I owe. When the praise of Heaven I hear, Loud as thunder to the ear, Loud as many waters’ noise, Sweet as harp’s melodious voice, Then, Lord, shall I fully know— Not till then—how much I owe. Even on earth, as through a glass Darkly, let Thy glory pass, Make forgiveness feel so sweet, Make Thy Spirit’s help to meet. Even on earth, Lord, make me know Something of how much I owe. ing of his district in the conversion of a man and his wife who had fallen into the very depths of sin. Their home has been completely changed—truly the day of miracles has not passed. James G. and Mrs. Dixon announce the arrival of James George Dixon, III, on May 2nd, 1949. James George, II, graduated in ’44, and is pastor of the Tenth Street Breth ren Church, Ashland, Ohio. Eldo ’35, and Mrs. Epp, Blukwa Station of the Africa Inland Mission in the Congo are rejoic ing in the birth of a son, Timothy, who arrived on the last day of 1948. BIOLA FAM ILY CIRCLE (Continued from Page 17)
gospel, although when they were mar ried, their sole possession was one old black horse! The love of my parents for each other, deepening as it has through the years, challenges candidates for matrimony to wait upon the Lord for His guidance in this important matter. I have heard the Cowboy say of Miss: “ Every day I love her more, and ask my Lord not to let me love her more or better than I love Him.” What a comment this is upon the dissatisfied couples that one encounters even in Christian circles! My father believes in sticking to a decision. If we were dissatisfied with a pair of new shoes, he would say: “You got these, didn’t you? Are you going to keep them ? Then forget the others.” Even this homely illustration helped us children to realize the truth of the Biblical teaching that we had found Him, and our souls were satisfied. Why look elsewhere when we had everything in Jesus? The Cowboy’s testimony to God’s wis dom and faithfulness has made a deep impression upon many hearts: “ I hon estly believe that if the Lord in person called my name, and said, ‘State what you will and I will give it to you,’ I would fall upon my face and cry out, ‘O, Lord, please don’t leave it that way with me, for Thou canst choose so much better than I can. Please choose for me’.” Is it any wonder that we five children who lived to grow up, have all wanted homes where Christianity glowed? Truly no one can estimate the price less heritage of a real Christian father. We thank God upon every remembrance of him and our mother, who in the kind ness of God, are still with us.
Musical Instruments of Bible Times
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