King's Business - 1949-07

this beautiful hymn. Watts wrote, “ Come, we that love the Lord, and let our joys be known.” This call has been heard and answered by people in many lands. Faber wrote, “ Faith of our fathers, living still.” Through this message, weary and faint­ hearted men have received encourage­ ment and strength.

There Are Militant Songs These songs are sung eagerly by vigorous, active Christians who are true soldiers of the cross. Duffield wrote, “ Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus.” We do not know how many hearts have been led into open confession and definite consecration by the majestic words of

dicating that anyone with a tiny bit of faith can move mountains, but He is referring to the size of the Christian. Though the Christian be the smallest of all believers with perhaps little educa­ tion, little of earth’s goods, and small advantages, still if he is filled with faith, then he may accomplish wonderful things for God. We should not think that be­ cause we are obscure, unknown, and without natural advantages that our faith has little value. The smallest Christian may do the biggest deeds. August 28, 1949 A LOOK IN THE TELESCOPE Psa. 19:1-6; 8:1, 3-9 On May 15, 1618 Johann Kepler kneeled beside his telescope in his studio and cried out, “ O God! Thou hast enabled me to think Thy thoughts after Thee.” He had just discovered the harmonic laws of heaven. The telescope reveals the mysteries of God and the wonders of God’s power. We see His accuracy in “time” arrangement. By His Spirit He garnished the heavens. These “heavens declare the glory of God.” They preach marvelous sermons to earth dwellers. •“He Made the Stars Also” Gen. 1:16 The creative power of God is presented to us before His saving power is re­ vealed. This is natural and right. One who can make the stars which are in­ numerable, and which stagger our imag­ ination in size is able to care for our needs, answer our questions and solve our difficulties. It is as we take the “ far away look” either backward or forward in man’s history that we are led to trust our blessed Lord, to believe His Word, and to stand in awe of His mighty power. On several occasions Abraham had believed God. God did not account him righteous because he left Ur of the Chaldees or went to the promised land, or built an altar, or returned from Egypt. Not until that memorable night when God asked him to turn his gaze heavenward and see the starry sky, not until then, was he accounted righteous. God said, “ So shall thy seed be.” It was to be in the far distant future. The fulfillment would be awaited for many years, but as the telescope reveals the far-away stars, so God revealed the far­ away blessings. The Stars Inspire Faith Gen. 15:5

August 21, 1949 A LOOK IN THE MICROSCOPE Psa. 148:1-14; 139:7-10

the other to herself. It was all she had. It was her “ living.” When the opportun­ ity came to give, she did not divide the little that she had, but “cast” it into the treasury. She did not give reluctantly or hesitatingly. She did not fear the consequences, but with a heart appar­ ently free from fear, gave both the Lord’s mite and her own mite for the service of God. This was sacrificial giv­ ing. This was “heart” giving. This was “ ideal” giving. The gift revealed the soul and the heart of this widow. Small Service is Important Matt. 10:42 The cup of cold water is not expen­ sive, but it may represent much trouble. It was necessary to find a spring from which the cold water could be obtained. It had to be brought quickly lest it should get warm on the way. The giving of this refreshing drink reveals a heart that cares enough to give and to go to some trouble in order to give. It also shows an interest in the needs of others. The cup would not be given unless there was a need and a desire. We therefore learn the blessing of caring for others and of supplying their need. A Small Estimation is Important Matt. 17:29 In this passage the Lord is not recom­ mending small faith for He always condemned small faith. He is not in­

Throughout the Scriptures God gives much space to small things. Little things take on a great meaning when used by our Lord or His people. The jawbone of an ass wrought a great victory. A drink of water revealed the marvelous love of David for his Sovereign. A spar­ row’s nest revealed Israel’s decadence. The little foxes spoiled big vines. A little straw may show which way the wind blows. A little match may start a big fire. Let us learn the valuable les­ sons found in the Scriptures on the sub­ ject. Small Words Are Important 1 Kings 20:32 When Ben-hadad emerged from his hiding-place with a rope around his neck and presented himself to Ahab, the latter said, “My brother.” That was the beginning of Ahab’s downfall. These two small words were quickly seized by the servants of Ben-hadad and were turned into a means of saving that wicked, cruel enemy of Israel from the death he de­ served. These words revealed Ahab’s friendship for a man he should have destroyed. They revealed that Ahab was not God’s friend nor God’s servant. The result was disastrous. Small Gifts Are Important Mark 12:44 The widow in the temple had two mites. One belonged to the Lord and

ftib le Stories.



Beautiful pictures illustrating the eight miracles in the Gospel of John—each one original—by one of the leading Bible artists in the nation. (Bl) O ur Lord’s first m iracle, .The M arriage in Cana o f Galilee. John 2. (B2) O ur Lord heals th e N oblem an’ s Son. John 4. (B3) Jesus heals the im potent m an. John 5. (B4) Jesus, th e bread o f life, feeds 5000. John 6. (B5) Jesus walks upon the sea, saves Peter, calm s troubled waters. John 6 and M atthew 14. (B6) Jesus, th e light o f the w orld, gives sight to a blind m an. John 9. (B7) Jesus, the resurrection and th e life, raises Lazarus from th e grave. John 11. (B8) The risen Christ, gives disciples a haul of fishes. John 21.


Some Shall Shine as the Stars Dan. 12:3

Produced by GOSPEL SLIDE and FILM SERVICE 923 South Eye Street, Tacoma 3, Wash. Each filmstrip,10double frame, $4.50,full setof eight,$35.20. In 2x2 readymounts, 50c a slide. In 2x2 glass binders, 60c a slide. Order Todqy. Write for descriptive pamphlet of Hymns, Children’s Stories, etc. Address Dept, K B

The shining of the stars is a mystery. We do not know why they shine nor the source of their light. We do know that T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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