the fixed stars are always in position and always in the right relationship to one another. So God’s people experience that same blessing. Their light shines from day to day and night to night. Their message brings light to darkened hearts. Their character knits them to one an other, and so through the years and through the centuries the church of God shines in this dark world with unerring light that points the way to Him who is the Light of life. Some Are Wandering Stars Jude 13 In this prophetic utterance the Lord points forward to false leaders, false guides and false teachers who draw away disciples after them and disappear. They flash across the horizon of their gen eration. They attract attention to them selves and many follow their pernicious ways, wicked doctrines, evil manners and end in the outer dark. They have no fixed place in life. They and their doc trines are constantly changing and are not dependable. These great leaders of false religious movements end in the darkness of a lost eternity. (Continued from Page 23) What the character of this service is to be is not revealed. However, we shall not grow tired in it. One has said, “ I often grow tired in the Lord’s service, but not of it.” This fatigue is due to this body of humiliation. But in the coming day we shall know no limitation or weariness. We shall have our glorified bodies, which are discussed at length in First Corinthians 15:35-54. The Chris tian’s glorified body will be glorious, powerful, honorable, incorruptible. Our resurrection bodies will be like the res urrection body of Christ (cf. 1 John 3:2; Phil. 3:20, 21). That our Lord’s body was real, even as ours will be real, is seen in His words, “Handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet” (Lk. 24: 39, 40). Yet the fact that His body knew no limitation is evidenced by His vanishing out of their sight. Neither will our bodies be subject to the limitation with which we are familiar in this life. Beloved, we shall never grow weary. We shall mount up with wings as eagles; we shall run, and not be weary; and we shall walk, and not faint. In this glorified body we shall render perfect and continuous service, and our service will be wholly to the glory of our won derful Lord. (CONTINUED NEXT MONTH) J U L Y , 1 94 9 WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT HEAVEN
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