King's Business - 1949-07

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Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A . K ent , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

Aug. 7, 1949 SONGS OF THANKFULNESS Psa. 92:1-5; 103:1-11

First, thanks should be offered for the benefit of forgiveness (3). This is doubtless placed first because it is the basis of the enjoyment of all other bene­ fits. Until the sin question is settled, the soul is in no position to receive what God has in store for those who are for­ given. God purges away all the sin of the yielded life and gives him the right­ eousness of Christ so that he can say as did the colored man, “ I am all dressed up in Jesus.” Second, thanks should be offered for the benefit of healing (3). Both bodily and spiritual diseases may well have been in the mind of the Psalmist. The Great Physician is able to deal with both, since both are, directly or indi­ rectly, the result of sin. Third, thanks should be offered for the benefit of redemption (4). The thought of redeeming grace loomed large as David talked to his soul. Other benefits deserving thanksgiving follow in the Psalm: A two-fold corona­ tion, v.4; satisfaction, v. 5; fair dealing, v. 6; revelation, v. 7; and grace, w . 8-11 —“He hath not dealt with us after our sins.” Let us thank God! Memory Verse: “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High” (Psa. 92:1). Has anyone ever accused you of be­ longing to the “ Gimme Gang” ? Are you always saying, “ Gimme this,” or “ Gim­ me that” ? Some Christians are like that. The only time that they bother to pray is when they want the Lord to give them something, or to do something for them. Today let us forget about asking God for things, and instead just give Him thanks and praise Him. Perhaps this will be a new experience for some of you Christian boys and girls. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Helps for the Children Give Thanks and Sing Psa. 92:1-5; 136:1-9,25,26

Pointers on the Lesson The note of gratitude should never be absent from the life of the child of God. It is a witness to the reality of his faith and a means whereby he may influence others to put their trust in God. One of the most attractive factors in the life of the Apostle Paul was the grateful spirit he manifested at all times. In gray, as well as golden days, he was wont to say,' “ I thank my God.” It was also true of the Psalmist that he was given to much praise. We have before us in this week’s lesson splendid ex­ amples of this. The Fitness of Thankfulness (Psa. 92:1-4) In these verses the Psalmist says in various ways that it is fitting to ex­ press gratitude to God. It is a good thing to give thanks, to sing praises, to show forth God’s care morning and night, and to make a joyful noise unto the Lord with the aid of musical in­ struments. The appropriateness of such gratitude and praise is due to the fact that the Lord has done something within the believer’s heart. As the Psalmist states, “ Thou hast made me glad through thy work” (v. 4). The works of God had been experienced and were being experienced in his life. The normal thing was for these works and this inward gladness to be outwardly expressed so that others might know the reality of being in fellowship with God. Reasons for Thankfulness (Psa. 193:1-11) In these verses the Psalmist sets forth some of the reasons why the child of God should “bless the Lord,” or be thankful. This is perhaps the most per­ fect song of pure praise to be found in the Bible. There is no petition in it. It is all thanksgiving and thus suggests the fact that there are times when the soul should cease asking God for things and give itself altogether to praising Him. What are some of the things for which thanksgiving should be given?

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