King's Business - 1949-07

August 21, 1949 PRAISE FOR THE WORKS OF GOD Psa. 19:1-6; 65:9-13; 104:24

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God’s Glory in Variety (Psa. 164:24)

Pointers on the Lesson God’s glory is written in nature all about us. Even if we did not have the written Word of God, there is much about Him that we could learn by ob­ servance of the universe He has created. We are told in Paul’s letter to the Romans, “ The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead” (1:20). Thus it is that there is in the world all around us the things that speak of God. Viewing these things should lead us to praise' Him. God’s Glory in Creation (Psa. 19:1-6) All creation reveals the power, wis­ dom and magnificence of God. The starry heavens tell about it (v. la ). Go out on any clear night, look up into the heav­ ens, and see if this is not so. The moon and stars are preachers of the glory and majesty of God. “ Glory” has to do with the sum of God’s perfections. The atmospheric heavens also tell about His glory (lb ). Think of the clouds, the sun­ sets, the rain, the dew, the breezes. They all reveal wisdom and care. Every day witnesses to His glory (v. 2). Much dur­ ing each waking hour testifies to God’s power, splendor and beneficence. Each night has a message about it (v. 2b). The night with its repose tells of the provision of God. Then, too, the sun speaks of His glory (4-6). The beauti­ ful imagery used here suggests the beneficial and sufficient provision God has made for the whole world. God’s Glory in Harvest (Psa. 65:9-13) The occasion of this Psalm seems to have been that of harvest festival. The people are assembled for praise. The crops are all in. It is Thanksgiving time. God is recognized as the One who has made the harvest possible. Verses 9-13 emphasize God’s part in the plenty that now blessed the harvest time. They speak of the rains from heaven that water the earth at the proper time. “ The river of God” spoken of in verse 9 is the rain from heaven which prepares the soil for the seed and which aids it in springing forth and in coming to fruition. The Psalm­ ist ends the Psalm by presenting a beautiful picture of the landscape cov­ ered with contented cattle and waving grain. The cattle and the grain seem to be shouting their praise to God for all His kindness and care (v. 13). The implication is: Will man for whom these things have been prepared be less thankful? Just how thankful are we for all the material blessings that daily crown our lives? Name them over one by one and ask yourself: Am I really thankful to God for these gifts?

This verse is an exclamation on the Psalmist’s part as he contemplates the number and the variety of God’s works. God is responsible for the marvels of the atom and He put the mountain in its place. As the child of God thinks of these things and realizes that this God is his Father, how grateful he should be at the wonders of divine grace that have made it so. The God of all these wonders provided also the Cross for our redemption. Memory Verse: “ O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name, make known his deeds among all the people” (Psa. 105:1). Has anyone ever told you that the world “ just happened” to be made? Think of that belief (if anyone is truly so foolish as to really believe that!) and compare it with what the Psalmist said in the nineteenth Psalm. Merely looking at the beauty and the wonder of the heavens tells us that there must be a God—a Creator and Maker. Such perfect things could not just hap­ pen any more than a dress or a piece of machinery could just “ happen” to make itself or to come together. In every land and in every tribe the world speaks of God. Read Psalm 104:10-14 to learn how God provides drink and food for the creatures which He has made. No matter how rich or how intelligent we may be, it is God who really gives us our food and clothing. No man can make grain, fruits, or vegetables grow; no man can control the seasons, the sunshine, and the rain. No man can cause wdol to grow upon the back of sheep or cotton to grow in the fields. Only God can feed us and clothe us properly through His gifts to us. Does it not make you grateful that a God who can do these miracles loves you, even though you are a sinner? He is equally interested in the large and small things in the world. Will you, with the Psalmist, “give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name, make known his deeds among all the people” ? BIBLE QUIZ (Continued from Page 25) 1. Chariot of fire ...................... Elijah 2. The Ark ......................................Noah 3. Fishing boat ............................ Peter 4. A whale ................................. Jonah 5. A colt ..........the Lord Jesus Christ 6. A cam el.............Abraham’s servant 7. A chariot ................................. Philip 8. Wagons .............Children of Israel 9. Horse ....................................Mordecai 10., A ship ........................................Paul T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Helps for the Children Songs of the Out-of-Doors Psa. 19:1-6; 104:10-14


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