ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH American Mission Building Alexandria, Egypt
August 28, 1949 EXALTING THE WORD OF GOD Psa. 19:7-14; 119:1-8
May 11th, 19U9.
The Editor, The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 18, Calif. My dear Brother in Christ:
The Revelation of the Way of Blessing (Psa. 119:1-8) The way of blessing is to walk “ in the law of the Lord” and to “keep his testimonies.” The Psalmist, realizing this, expresses his desire for perfect conformity to its teachings. Those so conformed will never have cause to be ashamed. They will never have to bow their heads in disgrace. Millions in the world today have reason to hang their heads in shame because of their sin. But these are not those who have kept God’s statutes. Many in the day of the Lord’s coming will stand in His pres ence ashamed. The way to be sure that such a condition will not become a reality is to give the Word of God the place it deserves in the life. That was the Psalmist’s desire. Let it be ours also. Memory Verse: “ Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of his wondrous works (Psa. 105:2). Have you ever remembered to thank God for the Bible? Most Christians do not know how much many people have suffered that we might own a copy of the Word of God. Men have been tor tured and killed that we might own and freely read God’s Word. Men have spent their entire lives working hard that we might let God speak to us through His Word whenever we desire to do so. The people of Bible times told of their love for God’s Word in their songs and in their poems. Psalm 105 tells the story of the chil dren of Israel. The story-teller ends by giving the reason that God perform ed so many miracles for these people whom He especially loved: “ That they might observe his statutes [Word], and keep his laws.” God is anxious for His people to know and to obey His Word. Almost every verse in Psalm 119, which is the longest chapter in the Bible, mentions God’s Word. This Psalm tells how the people loved God’s Word and what God’s Word is and what it does. Two of your favorite verses are found in this Psalm: “ Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” “ Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Perhaps you would like to underline the different names of God’s Word as given in Psalm 119, such as statutes, law, word, commandments, testimonies, etc. After you have found all of these, you will want to thank God again that this wonderful Book is yours to own and to read and to hide within your heart. Helps for the Children Thanking God for the Bible Psa. 105; 119
God not only has revealed Himself to the world in His creation. In a far more precious and intimate way He has revealed Himself in a Book. That Book is the Bible and in it He has plainly spoken to men about all those things they need to know with respect to their souls. It reveals the great facts of re demption. It tells how redeemed men ought to live and what they may look forward to beyond this veil of tears. Such a Book truly deserves to be ex alted. The two passages before us this week are especially rich in things about the Scriptures. The Revelation of the Scriptures (Psa. 19:1-8) We have here presented two distinct things about the Scriptures, namely, their nature and their accomplishments. First, note their nature. As these are observed the teacher should seek to im press upon the scholars wherein the things mentioned are so. The Word of God is (1) perfect, v. 7. Nothing needs to be added to it, nothing dare be taken from it (Rev. 22:19). The Word is (2) sure, v. 7. A person can stake his life upon it ^or time and eternity with perfect assurance. The Word is (3) right, v. 8. Those who follow this Book live successfully. The Word is (4) pure, v. 8. Moreover, it makes pure the lives of those who let it operate in their lives (Psa. 119:11). The Word is (5) klean, v. 9, It is the finest cleansing agency in the world (Eph. 5:26, 27). Finally, the Word is true and righteous, v. 9. The soul that would be kept from error or falsehood should keep his heart and mind full of the Scriptures. We have also presented the accom plishments of the Word: (1) They bring conversion, v. 7; (2) they provide wis dom, v. 7; (3) they give joy, v. 8; (4) they aiford enlightenment, v. 8; (5) they sound warning, v. 11; (6) and they offer reward, v. 11. What other book can do anything comparable to these things? No wonder the Psalmist in the 119th Psalm exclaimed, “ Thy testimonies are wonderful,” v. 129. The Revelation of Man’s Heart (Psa. 19:12-14) In view of the revelation we have of God in both nature and His Word in the previous part of this Psalm, man is made to see his own littleness and sin. Three things suggest themselves to us in this connection: (1) man is a sin ner, v. 12; (2) man needs to pray for forgiveness, w . 12, 13; and (3) man must realize that forgiveness comes through the Cross, v. 14. J U L Y , 1 94 9
I have no words to express my grate fulness to you for sending me your most valuable magazine, “ THE KING’S BUSINESS” which is a delight to me to read all its articles written by emi nent pastors and evangelists. I praise my God for such a magazine as yours which stands for the true evangelical doctrines of our Christian faith. It gives me more courage to go on to preach the Word of the Cross, and fills me with great enthusiasm for bringing men to Christ. You will realize the work you are doing so marvellously through your magazine when our dear Saviour will come again to reward all His true servants. Yours in His gldd service, —THEODORE Y. DAGHUAN NEW BEAUTIFUL GOSPEL TRACTS Richly lithographed in 4 colors. Nothing com parable. Send 10c today for samples of 4-color tracts, or 25c for packet of all available titles, both lithographed and letter press (1-color) Gospel Tracts. Clear, short, appealing messages . . . the kind of tracts folks will receive, read and heed. Get your samples now. BOOK AND BIBLE ROOM P. O. Box 35-K Hesston, Kansas Songs Printed— Records Made Sell recordings of your talent at your meetings. We make small or large quantity on break- resistant records. Hymn-writers, have your songs set to music and printed. Phil Kerr, nationally famous hymn com poser and arranger, will help. Prices reasonable. Write today. STACEY CHRISTIAN MUSIC P. O. Box 3214, Dept. K, Los Angeles 54, Calif. PAPER AT MILL PRICES Newsprint, Book, Magazine, Offset, Intaglio, Cover, Mimeograph, Bonds, Ledger and other Printing and Writing Papers supplied. We can ship to nearly every country on the globe. Samples free. HENRY RISING PAPER CO. 124 W. Fourth St.—Los Angeles I3t California Henry Rising's '"Finest Quality" Bond ■ r i RoodPROPHECY MONTHLY for SCRIPTURAL ILLUMINATION /m *t*y 48 pages monthly, prophetic truths. ’M signs of the .times, guidance. Bible r nuggets. Don’t miss its important articles and news features. Editors: Dr. Keith L. Brooks. Rev. Alan S. Pearce. Subscribe for America’s Original Prophetie Digest 10 mo. $1; Foreign, $1.35 Yr. Be a part of the league’s world-wide prayer and mis sionary fellowship. Biblical books being supplied free to missionaries, needy workers and prisons as God’s people provide. Write for details of this faith and non-profit work. AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, INC. I BOX BB, EAGLE ROCK STATION • LOS ANGFl.FS 41, CALIF. Page Twenty-seven
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