As we place this red cloth over the glass, let us remember that God cov ered David’s sin with the blood of a lamb, representing the coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus. (Catch the button hang ing on the outside of the glass, and pull the black silk out of the glass as the red cloth is removed.) The water in the glass is clear and has a goldfish in it. After David’s sin had been covered, he was cleansed and had a new life within.
CONQUERING DEPRESSION (Continued from Page 20) wrong with them in the outward, world and that one can only be exuberant when his way is prosperous. These have no ear for Paul’s exhortation, “ Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice” (Phil. 4 :4). We need to examine our varying moods. For the sake of others over whom we cast a gloom when we are moody and irritable, for our own sakes, and for the glory of God, we should challenge our souls as David did: “ Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me?” (Psa. 42:5). Bring the cause into the light and see whether it is worthy of you to be bad-tempered and unhappy. Dr. Alexander Maclaren de clares, “ If only men would bring the causes or occasion of the temper and feeling which they allow to direct them to the bar of common sense, to say noth ing of religious faith, how the furious boilings in their hearts would stop their ebullition.” Sometimes the cause of our depres sions is so trivial that we shall either be amused or ashamed at allowing so small a thing to have so great an effect upon mind and spirit. Often our disquietude arises from some base foolish fear. Sometimes it results from wounded pride; we did not shine as we wanted to in some public engagement, so we “lost face” and with it our peace of mind. To challenge our dark moods, and having found their cause, to remedy things, is to emerge into the sunshine again. To find our way into God’s pres ence, there to pour out our hearts be fore Him, confessing our folly and seek ing His forgiveness and grace, is to gradually attain a fixed temperament, a deep tranquility of soul. In the secret place of the Most High, the soul regains its peace and poise and comes forth with its hope in God revived. Thank God, these dark moods are but tempo rary, for God will graciously bring us through the darkness! If I stoop into a dark, tremendous sea of cloud It is but for a time; I press God’s lamp Close to my breast; its splendor, soon or late Will pierce the gloom; I shall emerge one day. Cast out the demon of depression by exercising the spirit of faith and hope. “Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God” (Psa. 42:11). T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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July 31, 1949 T r u s t Y ou M u s t
Object: A piece of paper 8% x ll inches, or larger if visibility requires. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of V 2 inch. In this space print the word, “ PSALMS.” Open the folds and using the letters in this word, complete the following words: “ PEOPLE SINGING PSALMS LEARNED MANY LESSONS.” )
PSALMS K neeling
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Lesson: Again we have a piece of paper on which the word “ PSALMS” is printed. The Psalms have been teaching us many lessons of late, but the one we are to learn today is entirely different from the others. I have told you before that God has taught His people many great lessons through the use of Psalms in singing, reading and reciting. I am anxious to open this paper and see what the Psalms will teach us today. I open it and read, “ PEOPLE SING ING PSALMS LEARNED MANY LES SONS.” The particular truth to which I want to call your attention today is that they learned the lesson of TRUST ING God. This is one of the most impor tant lessons for anyone to learn. One of the great Psalms which they sang, increasing their trust was the 37th. In the 3rd verse we read, “ TRUST in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.” Again in the 5th verse we read, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; TRUST also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” We are living in a day of great fear. Some fear poverty; others old age; and still others death. It is not difficult to see how the reading and reciting of the Psalms would take away fear and cause the Lord’s people to trust in Him. It is wonderful to know that these promises were not alone for God’s ancient people, but they are for the Christians of the day in which we live.
Soliciting the Business o f Christian People
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