King's Business - 1949-07



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in prayer by two men pf God, Mr. Lyman Stewart and Mr. T . C. Horton in 1908, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has become the center for missionary and evangelistic training in the West. This year under God it is our privilege and responsibility to be training more than 1000 young people for world-wide Christian service. in the old-fashioned, true-to-the-Bible doctrine of salvation from sin by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. We hold that the Bible is the Word of God and its message of forgiveness is the only hope for a lost and dying world. This then is our challenge, to train young people to go forth with the gospel of Christ. by the gifts of the people of God. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has no endowment, nor any guarantee of support except that which our God supplies. We look to Him and to His people for the expenses connected with this local and world-wide min­ istry. No gift is too small to be gratefully received and promptly acknowledged.

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$125 Per Yea r . . . is the cost of training one student for one year although no charge for tuition is made to the student. You may personally sponsor a student for a year or more, with a gift of $125.00 yearly. The name of this student (and photograph if you wish) will be sent to you that you may pray and encourage him or her. For further information please write to THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Incorporated DR. LOUIS T. TALBOT, PRESIDENT 55 8 South Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California J U L Y , 1 9 4 9 Page Thirty-one

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