true character of the founder of Chris tian Science and the true nature of the movement which she had founded. It is sufficient to say that the book which Mr. Peabody subsequently published is one of the moSt amazing and revealing accounts of this' pseudo-religious system. More than that, in the introduction, the author challenges both Mrs. Eddy and the whole Christian Science combination to dare to prosecute him for libel, insisting that he is telling nothing but the truth. Of course, some years have gone by since the publication of this intensely in teresting volume, but it would be a good thing if truly evangelical Christian lead ers and laymen would again take down this hook from the shelves of their li braries and read once more the absurd claims of this false system. The Chris tian Science Church has surrounded it self today with an aura of unassailable respectability, but the heart and soul of the system is as false as it is possible to be, absolutely denying the atonement of Christ. Old-Fashioned Way A panel group of doctors in a recent California Medical Association Conven tion agreed that the best way to take care of a newborn baby was the old- fashioned way. They said: “ Put mother and baby together and let nature take its course.” This was advanced as an innovation in modern pediatric care. This “new” system, they concluded, makes for an early feeling of security in the infant which can only be obtained by the per sonal attention and love of' the mother. This causes us to reflect that long ago God passed the laws of health and hap piness which are standard equipment in the human family, and it is the part of real wisdom to abide by His laws. Unbelief’s Despair The tragedy of the death of former Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, is heightened by the revelation of the bitter darkness which had engulfed his mind and soul. A book of poems left at his bedside on the day of his death was opened to a doleful work by Sophocles entitled, “ Chorus from Ajax” which included these despairing lines: “ Better to die, and sleep The never-waking sleep, than linger on, And dare to live, when the soul’s life is gone: But thou shalt weep.” How different is the hope of the sweet Psalmist of Israel who wrote, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” The difference between belief and unbelief is nowhere more sharply defined than at the instant when one passes out of this life into the Great Beyond. For the Christian it is an abundant entrance into the realms of light, life, and love. But for the one who knows not God, it is a deeper dark ness and despair than ever known. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
bless God with unfeigned devotion and sincere worship. Let America prove again the truth that “ righteousness exalteth a nation.” “ Come Ye Yourselves Apart and Rest Awhile” These were the words spoken by the Lord Jesus into the ears of His disciples during the busy days of His earthly ministry. It was true that the Lord was so much in demand that He had almost no leisure—no, not even enough to eat His food in peace. So He took His own apart where they might rest and re fresh themselves. We are living in busy days too, with the nervous strain almost unbelievably high. It is quite necessary for God’s people today to go aside occasionally to refresh both mind and spirit. For this purpose, we suggest a week at the Bible Conference sponsored by the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles, at beautiful Mount Hermon in central California, August 14 to 21st. This choice spot in the heart of the California redwood country is an inspiration to all who attend. There will be Bible teaching with Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, and Dr. William W. Orr will direct. There will be recreation and fun as well. In formation relative to reservations should be obtained by writing to the Mount Hermon Conference Association, Mount Hermon, California. Other information regarding meetings and speakers may be obtained from Dr. William W. Orr, Conference Director, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California. This book was first copyrighted in 1910, entitled, “ The Religio-Medical Mas querade.” The author was Frederick W. Peabody, LL. B., a Boston attorney who had been retained by a number of clients directly and indirectly connected with the litigation which grew out of dif ferences between these clients and Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Chris tian Science Church. Over a course of ten years, Attorney Peabody came to know as well as anyone could know, the A Complete Exposure of Christian Science
Can God Bless America? Again on Independence Day we will be treated to the usual stream of oratory, honoring the nation’s honorable dead, and calling upon God for continued bless ings to rest upon our land. Ever since the rather widespread use of the popular song of that title, the phrase, “ God Bless America,” has been more than ever in the thinking of the American people. Many have reasoned that the United States is; God’s special favorite among the nations and His blessing upon us is to be looked upon as a matter of course. But when we say, “ God Bless America,” what America do we mean? Do we mean the America of Hollywood with its utter disregard of morality and its disgrace ful flaunting of the church? Do we mean the America of our shameful divorce courts where a legal separation may be obtained on the most flimsy grounds? Do we mean the America of our political disgraces where graft and avarice flour ish like grass? Do we want God to bless these Americas? And if God is to bless, how shall He bless us? Shall He bless us with peace? Surely that is a worthy desire, but what will we do with peace? Shall we use our leisure to forget God and feed on selfish pleasures'? Shall we ask God to bless us with prosperity, more automobiles, more homes, more gadgets? And what shall we do with more automobiles? Shall we, .as more than nine-tenths of our people do, utterly disregard God’s interests on the Lórd’s Day? We ask God to bless America, but let us not forget what kind of a God we are speaking to. He is a God, first of all, who is omnipresent. Nothing is hidden from Him. Moreover, He is a God of absolute righteousness and pristine holi ness. He cannot bless the wicked, nor can He withhold judgment upon sin and transgressions. When we pray to God, this is the God to whom we pray. But, oh, how God has already blessed America with wide fertile acres and snow-capped mountain peaks, with roll ing oceans east and west and friendly neighbors north and south. Mineral re sources without limit are ours and op portunities for advancement know no end. Yea, verily God hath blessed our land with all manner of the choicest blessings. Now it is time for America to Page Four
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