I F YOU live on the Pacific Coast, and your radio is tuned in at 8 A. M., Monday, Wednesday or Friday, you may Hear the familiar strain, “ We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations.” Or there may fall upon your ears a cheerful, Australian voice with the announcement, “ God’s Good Morning, and Welcome to Another Broadcast of the Bible Institute Hour.” This radio gospel ministry which ^is now released by nearly two-score Pacific Coast stations had its origin in 1932 through the vision of Dr. Louis T. Tal bot. Called from the Philpott Tabernacle
of remote broadcast, to every part of the Bible Institute buildings, commenc ing with the bells on the roof top, and proceeding through the library, dining room, lobby, bookstore, engine room, etc. Listeners have been invited to be come partners in the world-wide minis try of the Bible Institute. But always the heart of the broad cast has been the message from the Word of God. This too has been varied. Complete books of the Bible have been covered and discussions of great Bible themes carried on. Recently a very pop ular Bible Question and Answer pro-
of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, to the great Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles, Dr. Talbot made plans for con tinuation of his radio ministry, believ ing it to be a means of reaching the lost with the gospel. Thus began over a local Southern California station the unique, and now famous, verse-by-verse study of the Bible, which has continued for 17 years. Dr. Talbot took his radio listeners through book after book of the Bible, supplementing his messages with printed lessons which were widely distributed with the result that the name of Louis T. Talbot became a household word, especially in the Los Angeles area. With the phenomenal growth of the networks, the radio ministry of Dr. Talbot began to expand as well. About six years ago, at the invitation of a large broadcasting chain, a new pro gram, at first entitled, “ The Bible Insti tute on the Air,” and later called, “ The Bible Institute Hour,” was aired three times weekly on a chain reaching from San Diego, California to Seattle, Wash ington. This program has proven a great blessing, as a channel bearing the Word of God and the cheer of the gospel to thousands. From the first, it has been an interesting, challenging, lively pro gram, with outstanding music, including a young people’s choir, special vocal and instrumental combinations, and heart-stirring testimonies by Bible In stitute students. These young people have told of the way in which God led them into the knowledge of Himself and into full-time service for Him. The radio audience has been taken, by means
Engineer Willis Freytag “mixes” the program. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Student pianist Neida Parker accom panies the choir.
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