Pastors, Sunday School Teachers, Missionaries, Students, Office Workers, Busy Christians . . .
REASONS WHY you should enroll in MOODY Bible Institute’s Summer School TWO THREE-WEEKSESSIONS! June 19-July 7 — July I0-July 28
Only M B I offers a summer school with all of these advantages: LOW COST. .. because TUITION is FREE. Board and room may be had for as low as $20 a week. The only other expense is the student benefit fee of $3.50 for health service and post office.
tural centers, the great stores, all are within easy distance of the Institute. TIMING . . . two 3-week sessions, June 19 to July 7 and July 10 to July 28. You may en roll in one or both. Timed right for most va cations, which means that you may combine concentrated study with relaxation. And when you think of it, at an unbelievably small expense. ATMOSPHERE . . . Recognized Moody train ing in pleasant surroundings, and a wealth of fellowship with Christians from many places and many Protestant denominations. PRACTICAL WORK . . . optional but encour aged, because Chicago presents many oppor tunities for assignments to witness in mis sions, jails, hospitals and street meetings.
COURSE OF STUDY . . . More than 50 ac credited Bible subjects to choose from, care fully chosen to fit the needs of Christians in all walks of life. Sessions will also feature workshops in Christian Education, Mission ary Literature, Church Music, Audio-Visuals, and a seminar for Deans of Women. FACULTY . . . Outstanding Bible teachers, Christian educators, and gospel musicians. LOCATION . . . in the heart of Chicago, most accessible of cities, and world-famed as a summer vacationland. Parks, beaches, cul
Perhaps this is ju st th e opportun ity for which y ou ’ve been looking. I t ’s a wonderful idea to com bine stud y w ith vacation, and we suggest you n ot pass it up. „ ______________INTERDENOMINATIONAL • EVANGELICAL-------------------- MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE »*■ K,i+4 William Culbertson, president • S. Maxwell Coder, dean 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois Name ___________ ■ Address- -------------- --------------------------------- -— ---------------- City -------------- — Mail Coupon Today! for FREE CATALOG and APPLICATION PAPERS A pplication papers m ust be mailed back at least ten days before the opening of session you plan to attend. Please send me Summer School folder, catalog and application papers. _Zone ___ State _
(To avoid cutting cover, u*e coupon on page 42)
T h e T < i n g ^
A publication o f the- Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor
S. H. Sutherland, President
Ray A. Myers, Chairman o f the Board
MARCH, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Sixty one
Vol. 52, No. 3
Established 1910
Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home
W H Y CHR IST IAN S CRACK UP — Marion H. Nelson ....
THE CHR IST IAN 'S REWARD FOR BEFRIENDING THE JEW — Norman H. Allensworth ....................... ............................ 12 A SA IN T ENTERS HER REST — Leonie V. Soubirou ................. 14 A CHAM PION SPEAKS — Rafer Johnson ................................. 15 PETER LEFT NO W ILL — Catherine Marshall ............................ 16 KING 'S BUSINESS PROPHECY SECTION — Charles L. Feinberg .. 21 PROS AND CONS OF A PR IMARY CHURCH — Glenn O'Neal .... 34 YOU TEACH PUPILS — Harold E. and Arvilla K. Garner ............ 35 A CH ILD SHALL LEAD THEM — Emily J. Alexander ................. 36 TRAVELING W ITH A PURPOSE — A Special Picture Story.... ...... 40 F e o t a UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller .... ........... 5 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .......... 6 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ..................... 18 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ................................ 26 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ........................ 27 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................... 28 WORLD NEW SGRAMS — James O. Henry ................................ 30 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ..................... 31 THE CHR IST IAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................. 32 A LUM N I NEWS — Inez McGahey ........................................... 39
Now R e a d y . . . S T A N D A R D V B S f or 1 9 6 1 L I V I N G F O R J E S U S Single theme graded for all age groups: Nursery, Beginner, Pri m ary, Jun ior, T een -A ge and Adult. New features for 1961 include C ra ft Paks for Beginner, Pri m a ry, Jun io r . . . p lus three packets o f colorful Visual Teach ing Aids. 1961 STANDARD VBS course includes • Director's Manual • Teacher’s Manuals • Visual Teaching Aids • Pupils’ Books • Craft Paks • Worship Helps You can get a preview of most of these materials in the 1961 INTRODUC TORY K IT ($7.97 value) only $4.95. (One Kit per school, please.) Special planning film strip for 1961 V B S , "T h e House on Stonybrook Lane,” Order 9438 (you will be billed $3.50 which will be cancelled when film is returned on the date you specify. FREE VBS PLANBOOK Brand new, colorful 1961 VBS Plan- book is yours for the asking. Included in every VBS Introductory Kit, or sent free separately on request.
PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ...................................................... 8 HOM ILETICAL HELPS ........................................................ 19 NUGGETS OF GOLD ............................................................... 25 TOWN A N D CAMPUS NEWS ................................................ 38
— All Rights Reserved
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor
PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager
JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton
1961 vis PIANB00K Ask for i t . . . IT’S FREEI
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50 six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs o f three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change o f address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'T h e King's Business/'
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
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At your dealer, or STANDARD PUBLISH IPÏÔ Cincinnati 31, Ohio
MARCH, 1961
p l e a s e p r a y for the nine m illion people in the W O R L D S p-------J * ! L A R G E S T C I T Y ; t TO K Y O CRUSADE May 6 through June $/l961 DR. BOB PIERCE, President W O R L D V I S I O N , I N C ., .Box 0. Pasadena, Calif, or World Vision o f Canada, Box 181 -K, Toronto, Ontario, Canada CRISIS IN M O R A L IT Y New film production available for your church. BIOLA FILMS, P.O. Box 9, Gardena, Cal.
# 1
I have just read your article “Academic Freedom” and certainly appreciate this clear, strong statement. I particularly liked your reference to the difference between genuine scholarship and “the irresponsible excursions into one’s mental aberrations which lead only to high-sounding ideas couched in multi-syllabic words which may or may not mean a thing to the reader or the hearer.” A few weeks ago I did a series of talks at chapel on modernism and the “new evangelicalism” and pointed out the fact that in this day verbosity is often sub stituted for accuracy of expression. Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., President, Bob Jones Univer sity, Greenville, South Carolina. Just a word of appreciation for all of the editorials by Dr. Sutherland. I look for ward month by month to both the blessing and instruction I am always assured of receiving from them. M ay God’s richest blessing rest upon the staff and all who assist in making TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS a magazine sound in the faith. Mary Lyons, Hackensack, New Jersey. MORE ON EDITORIALS Just a brief note to tell you that I con tinue to enjoy your editorials. I especially like the one on “Academic Freedom.” Praise the Lord! W e are certainly living in a day when the “ ancient landmarks” are being removed and the “ good old paths” are being forsaken. Dr. Jack Wyrtzen, International Director, Word o f Life Fellowship, New York, New York. CALLING ALL COPIES W e have a request from the Baptist library in Manila for all back issues of TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS that can be found. They send their senior seminary students out to the market place to give them out and they are getting decisions by that means. W e would appreciate it very much if you could speak of our need in your column READER REACTION. W e are getting a few from our mailing list at present, but we need more. Thank you for this help. Logan Papworth, Christian Salvage Mission, Howell, Michigan. APPRECIATES STAND I have just read my latest issue of TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS which I look forward to every month. The magazine was given to me by a friend, and I real ize by comparison what a sound, funda mental magazine yours is. There are good things in some Christian publications and also some weak or compromising features, but K ING ’S BUSINESS is always depend able. M ay God bless and continue to use you for His glory. Mrs. W. R. Williamson, Jr., Carlsbad, New Maxlco. THE KING’S BUSINESS
Recently I learned that TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS would be sent to our family as a gift. This proves to be a word of great joy to all of our hearts, like a re freshing sparkle of water upon dry ground. Our family wishes to express to your staff sincerest appreciation for the won derful monthly spiritual blessings we know we shall receive. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison, Chung Li, Taiwan, Republic o f China. E d itor ’ s N o te : A s readers to THE KING’S BUSINESS give to our “free fund,” they receive tax deduction and we in turn send gift subscriptions to mission aries, prison chaplains and servicemen around the world. At the present time our “free fund !” is depleted with many calls and many needs to which we urgently hope to respond. We prayerfully trust that this reminder might be sufficient as the Lord speaks to your heart. KING 'S BUSINESS RECOMMENDED When we asked our pastor to recom mend the best Christian publication avail able, he told us that of all those he re ceives, yours is the most superior. Please enter our subscription. I intend to pass it along to a Christian serviceman. Mrs. Floyd R. Wallace, Duncansville, Penna. RURAL M IN IST R Y OF K ING 'S BUSINESS Your magazine certainly answers a long felt need of our church for a constructive publication dedicated to the upliftment of Christians everywhere. It is the best magazine to come to our rural populations who could not have access to any library.* Rev. Liberate Martinito, Philippine Mlssionaiy Fellowship, CarrascaJ, Surigao, Philippines. VERSE FROM READER How happy I am to be a part of your readership family. After the last war, this verse seemed to be so important to con sider. I’d like to pass it on to you: The lurking serpent still seeks place, In home, and church, and state. Let us beware and keep him out, Before it is too late. The world is in a great turmoil. How thankful I am for fellowship with other Christians through your publication. Jane Robertson, GrassHeId, Yell, Shetland. LETTER FROM PRINTER Please enter m y subscription for two years and date back to the January, 1960 issue. I work at Church Press (where TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS is printed), and wish to keep m y own copies without taking “ scrap copies” from the shop. Mr. Samual W. Tatnall, Glendale, Calif. E ditor ’ s N o te : This is a real encourage ment to our staff.
Courses by Louis T. Talbot, D.D., LL.D. "Christ in the Tabernacle" ----------------------- $ 6.00 "God's Plan o f the A ges" __________________ 4.50 "The Book o f Revelation" ____________ ____ 6.00 "Prophecies o f Daniel" ________ ____________ 6.00 "The Book o f Ephesians" ________________ 5.00 "Studies in Romans" ------------------------------------ 5.00 "The Cults" 6 units ..._______ _____________ 6.00 Courses by Gerald B. Stanton, TH.D. "Christian Foundations" ...... ...................... 4.50 "Great Words o f the Gospel" ______________ 3.00 Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units, Preliminary Certificate Course .... 15.00 6 Units, (plus 6 units Preliminary Course) Advance Certificate Course __________ 15.00 "Fundamental Doctrines" _______ ....______ ... 6.00 "Practical Bible Training" _____ 2.00 "Studies For New Christians" ................ .. 1.00 "Studies In the Gospels" __________________ 6.00 "The Book Of A c t s " _________ ______ ____ _ 3.00 "Biblical Geography" ........................... 3.00 "Child Evangelism" ____________ ________ _ 5.00 Write For Brochure of courses offered. Course by Charles L Feinberg, TH.D. "Prophetic Events in the Light of the Minon Prophets" ________________ 16.00 5 Units ($3.50 per unit)
Bible Institute o f LA., Inc. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S58 K-3 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.
Bring Joy to One of These SPONSOR A KO REAN O R P H A N — You Can For Only Pennies A Day
S . M I L L E R
SETTING Front-door steps of the parsonage. CHARACTERS Eleven year old daughter of the Parsonage Family. Thirteen year old friend of daugh ter. THEME OF DISCUSSION Plans for “when I’m a grown lady.” “ I don’t know yet if I’ll go to col lege. It takes more money and brains than we have at our house. I’m gonna get married, and I don’t have to go to college for that!” “No, you don’t,” Althea responded. “ But my mother says a woman usual ly makes a better wife, the better your education the better equipped you’ll be to serve the Lord.” “ Don’t you want to get married? Don’t you think money is important?” “ Sure, I’ll want to get married someday. But my dad says money can’t buy the things of true value. And before I think of marriage I want to get my education first so that I’m ready to serve the Lord wherever He leads. I know if I do get married my husband will have to be a Christian.” “Well, my dad isn’t a Christian and he’s just as good to us as your dad is!” “ I don’t doubt that, Paulette. But being a good dad or nice husband isn’t going to get him to heaven. And if he doesn’t love the Lore! and you do, you won’t agree about spiritual things and then you’ll not have a happy home life.” • “Whoops, I hear Mother calling me. We’ll talk about this again, A l thea. S’long.” A grateful mother went back to her housework with a new song of praise in her heart. She rejoiced in the sure testimony of her small daugh ter to her neighbor-friend. She earn estly prayed that God would keep these truths vital and relevant to Al thea when she comes to the place of major life decisions in a few years. “ O Father, garrison the hearts and minds of my children. May they early leam to ‘Keep (their) heart(s) with all diligence, for out of (them) are the issues of life’ ” (Prov. 4:23). MARCH, 1961
Search The Faces Above. One W ill Appeal To You And Move Your Heart. A ll Hope For A Loving Sponsor Experience the blessing your action will bring. For only $8 a month— just 26 pennies a day— you can provide complete care for a boy or girl including school tuition which is not free in Korea. Ask a friend to be a co-sponsor with you__ only $4 each monthly— or interest your Sunday School, Bible Class, Youth Group, Ladies Society, etc. Share the thrill of sponsoring these dear orphans. H EA RT BR EAK ING STORIES A BO U N D You will receive the picture and history of the child that you select and can write and receive letters in reply. Any parcels of toys or clothing you may want to send will be gratefully acknowledged with a letter and a picture. The story of each child is pitiful. For instance:—Key Hyun, designated LI, never knew his mother. She died when he was bom. The neighbors cared for him for three years. His father, a common laborer, could not obtain work to earn a living even for himself. In despair he committed suicide. The neighbors then took Kee Hyun to the Seoul Children’s Shelter for temporary care. Shortly after he was received into our HEAVEN’S LOVE ORPHANAGE. Hundreds of new sponsors are desperately needed right now so we can give laving care and Christian education to our present children and take in many more wandering the streets desolate and hungry. Each orphan is waiting to have a beloved foster “Daddy or Momrnie” or big “Brother or Sister.” What an opportunity for joy and blessing for YOU! And what a chance to raise up a boy or girl to be a Christian leader in Korea so greatly in need of the Lord and the saving gospel. Write or phone now!
THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive Dept. K-3 Chicago, 31, Wl. CLIP AND MAIL TODAY----------------------------------- j □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. M y choice is N um ber----------- If this child has already been “ adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s * help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have I my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ full year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. □ I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $. □ Please send me further information. Name Address ----------------- _ City — .....— ----------- -------------- Zone ------ State .........................., Gifts of any amount art welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. The Everett Swenson Evangelistic Ass'n. Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-3, 4848 N. Leonard Dr., Chicago 31, III. GL. 6-4181
The ESEA, an intedenomina- tional non - profit missionary corporation, is caring for over 6000 orphans, children of lepers and war widows. Over 6 mil lion meals are served annual ly. Many more children are in desperate need, homeless rag ged and hungry and cold. Help us expand our 71 Homes. Each one is a real Christian institu tion with Staff and Board mem bers earnest Bible •believing Christians. Children are taught the Bible, Christian songs and earnestly pray. Each child is led to receive Jesus as his per sonal Saviour.
A MESSAGE from the editor by: Samuel H. Sutherland re: Is Indoctrination Our Business? Recently in a prominent Christian journal, published in the Middle West, there appeared an article entitled, "Who Cares What You Learn?"* In essence, this was a de fense of the Christian college. However, one section of the article leaves the reader quite puzzled— to say the least— as to the author's meaning, and the significance of some of his statements. For instance, we quote this state ment : "It is not the purpose of the Christian college to in doctrinate . . . indoctrination always leads to frustra tion." Under some circumstances, this sentence might be considered not of sufficient import to merit further dis cussion, but in the light of today's trends in evangelical circles, it has great bearing on what we believe to be an alarming situation in religion and education. To this author's concept of the purpose of a Christian college, we take vigorous exception. Such a declaration as his is right in line with the position of the "new evangelicals" who constantly prate of "academic freedom," but they are afraid to teach or to speak with any degree of authority. The implication is that for one to have convictions of his own, and to state them with persuasiveness intended to convince others, is a non-intellectual attitude. One is completely bewildered as to what is the purpose of a Christian college if it is not to indoctrinate its students in the great, eternal truths of the Word of God, with their accompanying tremendous impact upon the per sonal lives of young men and women. For years Christian parents and Christian pastors have sent their young people to Christian colleges— sometimes at great personal sacri fice— with the devout hope and prayer and firm conviction that they might be indoctrinated and have their feet firm ly planted on true Scriptural foundations upon which to build their further education and service. Every college in the country founded by Christian leaders or Christian denominations was organized with the very objective of teaching and perpetuating the great doctrines of Chris tianity, and establishing the rising generation in resul tant holy living, as opposed to the ideologies of the ir religious and the anti-religious taught in purely secular institutions of higher learning. Indeed, a Christian col lege that no longer indoctrinates its students in our most holy faith, in large measure has ceased to be a Christian college at all, and is no different from a secular institu tion, which actually, to all intents and purposes, it has become. One of the tragic by-products of the rationalism of the last fifty years is this very doctrine of "anti- indoctrination." Today it finds expression in the much- abused term, "academic freedom," and this latest and most weird notion that "indoctrination always leads to frustra tion." Just the*contrary has been proven to be true. It is lack of indoctrination that has led to frustration on the part of young people. Young people want assurance, something upon which they can depend in a shaking world ‘ CHRISTIAN LIFE, January 1961, Lionel A. Rediger, Vice-President and Academic Dean, Taylor University, Upland, Indiana.
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like ours. But they are not taught what to believe or why they should believe it. No wonder they are turning more and more to ideologies which are the direct antithesis of Christianity. These anti-Christian views are taught with zeal, fervor, and authority that should put to shame weak and ineffectual so-called Christian teachers. They make every conceivable effort to indoctrinate their stu dents, and it is paying off to a distressing degree. Com munist leaders are declaring openly and fearlessly their plans and programs for indoctrinating into their atheistic and anarchistic ideology the youth of every nation, espe cially those at the college and university level. Pro ponents of the evolutionary hypothesis are perfectly open, outspoken, and bold in their effort to indoctrinate in the theory of evolution the young men and women who sit in their classes. Those who deny God's Word and all of the great historic doctrines of the Christian faith are fear less in their endeavors to urge upon young people an utter repudiation of these truths which born-again Christians hold so dear. At the same time, so-called Christian leaders piously proclaim that it is not "our purpose to indoctrin ate our young people" in the things that they ought to believe. Every one of Paul's epistles, under the inspira tion of the Holy Spirit, is an impassioned plea for just such indoctrination of churches and individuals. Such indoctrination has been the primary purpose of the true church from its beginning to the present time. Great preachers of the past, as well as those of today, indoc trinate their hearers in the truths of the Bible. But when it comes to Christian institutions of higher learn ing, are we to be told in a flippant manner, "it is not our purpose to indoctrinate"? When Christian institutions fail in this high and holy purpose, they are on the road to spiritual oblivion. Such betrayal of objective always re sults in the complete disappearance of spiritual reality in the life of the college itself. It may be claimed in defense of this article hitherto referred to that the author's objection is to the type of indoctrination which he defines as follows: "Indoctrina tion is the process in which a teacher transmits his in formation, interpretations, prejudices, etc. to passive students who sit, listen, write what they hear and attempt to return it on examinations." This is about as inadequate a definition of the teaching philosophy as one could imag ine, and the author's definition of the word indoctrina tion in no way modifies the blanket criticism which he makes of the very concept of indoctrination itself. With the exception of the most exacting sciences where facts and figures are studied, there is no teacher alive who does not transmit his information, interpretations, and preju dices either in favor of or against the material he presents to his classes. As a matter of fact, a teacher may not say anything but may reveal his views by the mere intonation of his voice. Furthermore, if a professor is worthy of his position, he will make every effort to keep his students from becoming "passive" but will inspire them to active thinking. Today the Christian college has one of the greatest responsibilities and most glorious opportunities in the history of civilization to measure up to the tremendous challenges of the hour. A living and lively faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, as He is revealed in the Word of God, is the only way of peace and rest and salvation to anyone. (Concluded on page 17)
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MARCH, 1961
Mr. Paul Pontier, pilot for Missionary Aviation Fellowship, was at the con trols of a new Cessna 180 airplane, dedicated last month at the Fullerton headquarters of MAF, and headed for
Dr. Charles Eshelman, Dr. Don Hillis, Dr. Merrill C. Tenney and Dr. Melvin Lorentzen will be featured teachers during the fifth annual Summer In stitute of Missions scheduled for June 13 to July 21 at Wheaton College. Dr. Enock C. Dyrness is registrar for Wheaton’s Summer School program. Dr. Charles E. Fuller, founder-director of “ The Old Fashioned Revival Hour” was honored with the presentation of
This will interest YOU . . . Our field representatives meet Christian men and women quite frequently who are looking for places to invest their money. Most of them need a return on their savings. Some are considering investments in stocks. But, because of their limited knowledge of stocks and bonds, they are reluctant to buy. Others hesitate because of market fluctuations, uncertainty of dividends, etc. And some tell us of disappointing ex periences on their investments. * * * Without exception, all are looking for security . . . a guarantee that they will be assured of a generous income. Some thing they can count on as long as they- live . . . in good times or bad . . . regard less of whether the stock market is up or down. But they’re interested in something else, too. * * | You should see their faces light up . . . when we tell them about the double dividends provided by Moody Annui ties. When we tell them that Moody Annuities assure them of a generous, guaranteed income as long as they live (up to 8M% depending on their age) . . . plus a share in the Lord’s work . . . they’re overjoyed! And when we tell them that every annuity is backed by all the resources of Moody Bible Institute, and that MBI has never missed a single payment in almost 50 years . . . they are convinced that it’s the plan for them! W O U L D Y O U L IK E T O R EC EIV E D O U B LE D IV ID E N D S ON Y O U R MON EY? We’ll be happy to send you the free book let, double dividends , which explains the
MAFs' new airplane.
the Republic of Congo. The mission organization already operates 25 light aircraft in under-developed areas of the world. Mr. Herbert Klingbeil and Miss S. D. Hogue members of the Correspondence School of Moody Bible Institute, have just completed a revision of the Sco field Bible correspondence course. As sisting in the project from the MBI day school faculty were Dr. G. Coleman Luck, Mr. Donald Wise, and Mr. Walter Dunnett. Mr. Harold Shaw, manager of the publications division of Moody, also announces that the well known Bible study courses, tracts, and books by Dr. Keith L. Brooks have been taken over by the midwest organiza tion. Dr. Paul E. Freed, president of Trans World Radio, reports that progress continues rapidly on the construction of the organization’s antenna system in Monte Carlo. Formerly known as the Voice of Tangier, TWR has been on the air daily with its new 100,000 watt transmitter. The complete sys tem is expected to be in operation this month. Mr. William G. Nyman, secretary
Dr. Fuller receives award.
a special plaque by the American Broadcasting Company in honor of his completion of 36 years of con tinuous broadcasting. The program is heard weekly over some 600 radio stations around the world. Dr. Joseph W. Hemphill, pastor of the Union Church of San Gabriel, Cali- I fomia, invited newly elected John H. Rousselot to be guest of honor in a
Moody Annuity Plan in detail. Contains a chart showing income rates for all ages, explains tax bene fits and tells you all about the many ministries of Moody Bible Institute in which you'll have a share. CLIP AND MAIL COUPON TO O A Y I
Rev. Hemphill and Congressman Rousselot.
recent morning service. The Congress man was presented a copy of the Bible with his name and title en graved on it. Mr. Rousselot won the s e a t which former Vice-President Richard Nixon held when he first started in politics. The church hopes that other congregations will be led to follow a similar practice relative to inviting elected officials to church. Rev. Robert Kranmg has been appoint ed the first full-time Youth for Christ director for Salt Lake City. He for merly served in the Los Angeles office of YFC.
emeritus of t h e Wycliffe B i b l e Translators, Inc., passed away Jan uary 10 in Glen dale at the age of 76. He had for merly served on the Board of Di
Write Annuity Dupartmunt Dept. K-l-36-5
MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago IQ, Illinois Please send me, without obligation, information relating to: □ M oody Annuity Plan. □ Wills.
William Nyman
rectors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Mr. Nyman served without salary with Wycliffe which has grown to the sixth largest Protes tant missionary organization in the United States.
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S o m e o f t h e c o n f u s io n existing today regarding mental illness in the Christian is that people expect too much from their Christianity in this life. God makes many promses to the Christian but not all of them relate to this life. Many of them relate to the future heavenly life. So we must know what to expect from our Christian wealth, or we will be seeking something that God will not give now. i. Can we really expect to have perfect peace at all times in this life as a result of becoming a Christian? The answer is, “ n o .” Today there exists an erroneous idea that when one becomes a Christian every prob lem, physical or mental, material or spiritual, is supposed to vanish, leaving the Christian to live in a “ paradise on earth.” To the contrary, God has promised the Christian that in this life “ ye shall have tribulation” (John 16:33). A life free of tribulation and sorrow is promised us in the future heavenly life (Revelation 21:4), not in this life. Then exactly what advantages are there in becoming a Christian, as to living our everyday life here on the earth? There are many. A Christian has a loving heavenly Father, God the Father, who is ready to give help to any Christian who asks Him (Hebrews 4:16). He also has a King-priest on the throne in Heaven, God the Son, who “ ever liveth to make intercession” for them (Hebrews 7:25). In other words, a Christian still has problems but he also has a source of help for his problems that others do not have. Indeed, a problem is just the sort of situation where one can see clearly the practical, everyday benefits of being a Christian.
Paul, the apostle, at times was “ sorrowful, yet always rejoicing” (II Corinthians 6:10). Paul suffered want, yet he learned as a Christian to be content with whatever circumstances he was in (Philippians 4:11-12). The word “ content” means to have the needs of one’s soul satisfied. How could Paul be content in these distressing circum stances? He got help from God, who enabled him to be content (Philippians 4:13). Let us realize that we will have problems, distressing problems perhaps, in this life, but as Christians we also have an answer to our problems in the wisdom and power of God. There will be times when we will lose our peace of mind, but we can regain it by appropriating by faith the promises of God. II. Is there a set of spiritual rules that we can follow that will eliminate any turmoil or sorrow of heart in this life? The answer is “ n o .” Some have a false idea that there is a list of rules one can follow and obey, which obedience will guarantee immunity from any mental unrest. There just isn’t any set of rules that will guarantee this. There are some good rules for good spiritual health which, if obeyed, will bring freedom from much un necessary mental worry and unrest. However, even if one obeys all these rules, there will still be times when peace of mind will be disturbed. Obedience to the rules will enable the Christian to regain his peace of mind when it has been disturbed, but there is no way to avoid the storms of life. (continued on next page)
MARCH, 1961
exploding some common misconceptions ... Sometimes a physical illness will cause a mental dis turbance, with the accompanying unrest, in spite of obedi ence to God. Or, sometimes a Satanic attack will result in a temporary loss of peace of mind until the Christian musters his forces and takes a stand against Satan. Timothy 3:12, says that all who will (literally, “ who want to” ) live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecu tion. And persecution frequently results in physical and mental suffering. Paul also exhorts the Thessalonians not to be moved (literally, deceived) in their afflictions, and points out that “ we are appointed” unto this, that is, unto these afflictions (I Thessalonians 3:3).
Let me prove my point by a reference to the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly no one can accuse Christ of living in sin or of failing to obey rules that bring good spiritual health. Yet in Mark 14:34 Christ said, “ My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death.” How could anything disturb Him that much? Matthew 26:38 confirms this by saying, “My soul is exceeding sorrowful.” Furthermore, Mark 14:33 uses two other verbs to describe His reaction. “ Sore amazed” literally means “ terrifyingly amazed,” and “ very heavy” means literally “ distressed.” Something here caused Christ to have the opposite of peace and joy. Instead He had turmoil and sorrow of soul. The explanation is that He was contemplating the horror of His coming death on the cross which would occur in a few hours. He had previously experienced a dread of this event and a struggle concerning it, saying, “ Now is my soul troubled” (John 12:27). He naturally shrank from such an experience; yet, because He wanted to please God the Father, He subordinated His own will to the will of the Father. He said to the Father, “ Not what I want but what you want!” (Mark 14:36, Williams’ Translation). This proves that at this time Christ had a problem which produced a struggle and an unrest in His soul. But the solution was available: He gave up His will and obeyed His Father’s will, and then the struggle and un rest ceased. What we can definitely say for the Christian is that, for every kind of problem or trouble that may arise in this life, God has provided grace to either remove the problem completely, or to make the burden bearable if it is not His will to remove it. The answer is both y e s and n o . Yes, in a sense we will experience less trouble if we live a godly, obedient life. God’s full blessing will be upon our life. Such Scriptures as I Peter 3:10-11 definitely teach that our life will be much better if we are obedient. On the other hand we may still experience suffering, even though we are obedient. In the same chapter, next verse, Peter points out the possibility of experiencing suf fering even though one is an obedient Christian (1 Peter 3:14); then he goes on to explain this fact by pointing out that sometimes suffering is not chastisement for disobedi ence, but is simply the will of God, perhaps as an exercise of faith or for some other g o o d reason (I Peter 3:17). While it is true that the practice of evil brings tribula tion and anguish to one’s soul (Romans 2:9; I Timothy 6:10), yet it is also true that tribulation may come for other reasons to those who do not practice evil. Paul, in II 111. But If we live a godly, obedient life doesn't God promise us that we will experience less trouble?
Why would God deliberately bring tribulation, per haps in the form of a physical or mental illness, into our lives when we are living godly, obedient lives? We can summarize several good purposes: 1. To achieve purification of our Christian life (II Corinthians 7:9, 11). 2. To produce patience (literally, “ endurance” ) (Rom ans 5:3; James 1:3). 3. To produce humility (II Corinthians 12:7-10). 4. To produce dependence upon God (II Corinthians 1:8, 9). Obviously there are many good reasons why God would bring suffering into the life of an obedient Christian. Some of God’s saintliest saints have had the most troubles. But their troubles have drawn them close to God. A problem that does not produce a disquieting or un settling effect upon the soul is probably not a real prob lem. In Mark 14:34 Christ said, “My s o u l is exceeding sorrowful.” In II Corinthians 12:7, Paul said that he was buffeted by a messenger of Satan, the same word used of the buffeting of Christ by the soldiers when they mocked Him and beat Him with their fists (Matthew 26:67). A ship that is being buffeted in a storm is being tossed around, beaten by the waves, bruised by the force of the water. Likewise, a Christian will sometimes experience problems that greatly disturb the soul. But he can hope for and find an answer to his prob lems, and can derive great comfort from such Scriptures as I Peter 5:10, where God promises to repair the damage after the storm is past. The word “make you perfect” in this verse means to “ repair.” IV. When a Christian has mental trouble, is God, by direct intervention, the only One who can help him, or can legitimate help be obtained from psychiatrists or doctors in a way that is not unchristian? The answer is that there are certain cases where the Christian mental patient can be helped greatly by the aid of a doctor or psychiatrist who understands his particular problem and who knows what he needs. Let me give an illustration. Sometimes in women the major cause of a tendency to depression is simply the menopause, or change of life. This period of transition for the woman may be characterized by symptoms of depres sion, fatigue, and nervousness. She may cry easily, and every little problem may seem like a mountain. It is unrealistic to expect God usually to remove these
symptoms in a miraculous manner. This is a physical problem which is producing manifestations in the spirit ual and mental realm. God has already provided remedies for this sort of problem in the form of hormone pills or shots and/or tranquilizing pills. There is no reason for God to directly intervene from Heaven with a supernat ural cure. He has already intervened to give doctors the knowledge they need to relieve this physical problem. So, in such a case a doctor could be very helpful. Sometimes also the Christian mental patient, although his illness may be caused by spiritual factors, may develop such severe physical symptoms in association with his mental symptoms that help in the form of physical reme dies is necessary. For instance, the severely agitated pa tient who cannot sleep at all will become even more dis tressed and fatigued if he is not given some form of seda tive to help him get a good night’s sleep. In such a case the kind thing to do is to help him get some physical rest until his condition improves. V. When a person becomes a Christian are all the results of past sins, as well as the sins themselves re moved? The answer is n o . We must realize that God has passed and rigidly enforces a law which says, Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap (see Galatians 6:7-8). Now God promises to everyone salvation from the penalty of sin, deliverance from eternal death in Hell-fire, if he receives the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour (Rom ans 4:5-8 and 5:1; see also Isaiah 53:5, 63. We are saved from “ wrath” through Christ (Romans 5:9). But only in the future life in Heaven does God prom ise to remove us from the presence of sin. There in Heaven we shall be like Christ, sinless (Romans 8:29; I Corinthi ans 15:52, 53; Philippians 3:21; I John 3:2). Now as long as we have the presence of sin, we will suffer the consequences of sin in the sense that sin brings corruption and disease and trouble in this life on earth. One can see this truth in the formation of bad habits. A man may spend the first forty years of his life as a non- christian man, during which time he develops numerous habits, many of them bad. He may become used to doing
such things as cursing, lying, cheating, and think nothing of them. He may develop a terrible temper. He may be come an alcoholic. Then, when he is forty years old, he is converted to Christianity. Now his position is changed immediately. He was outside God’s family, but now he is inside. He has become a child of God. But what has happened to all his bad habits? He still has them. His practice of sin has not changed. His prac tice begins to change immediately, but this change is a gradual process and it will be years and years before he will have rid himself of all the bad habits he developed and cultivated before he became a Christian. In fact he may not live long enough to completely rid himself of all these bad habits. Some of his bad habits may drop off right away, but others require a struggle to get rid of them. It may take him years to overcome one particular bad habit. Now a bad habit produces a bad act, a sin. He sowed this bad habit and cultivated this particular sin for forty years. Now he is going to reap some fruit from this habit, even though he has become a Christian, because the habit is still there and is giving rise to sin. To get rid of this habit involves a struggle and the power of God. The habit will continue giving rise to sin until it has been eliminated. And, unless that sin is han dled properly, it will damage the soul. Peter warns that “fleshly lusts . . . war against the soul” (I Peter 2:11). This man’s soul has been damaged by sin for forty years. The effects of this damage cannot be erased overnight. By confession (see I John 1:9) he can prevent any fur ther damage until he has gotten rid of this sinful habit. But the damage already done to the soul affects his prac tice and takes time for improvement. David, although he confessed his sin, still had to reap the consequences of his sin of adultery with Bathsheba. God took away David’s son in death. This principle of reaping what you sow is a prominent causative factor in mental illness in the Christian. “W H Y CHR ISTIANS CRACK UP ,” published by Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois, $2.50.
Why would God deliberately bring tribulation, perhaps in the form o f a physical or mental illness, into our lives when we are living godly, obedient lives?
MARCH, 1961
T h e f a c t s a r e clear that any in dividual, community, or nation which is friendly to the Jews will prosper. The Bible sets forth clearly the fact that the Jewish people are God’s own beloved nation. Genesis 12:3 states: “And 1 will bless them that bless thee (Abraham and his seed), and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” It is very difficult to understand the attitude of some people in our land who show discrimination against God’s ancient people. This has been recently revealed by the bombing of several synagogues in our southern states. Fortunately there has been no loss of life. But the fact remains that a few fanatics hate the people of whom the Bible speaks of as “ The People of God.” As a nation, the United States has been friendly to the Jews, and this country has been a refuge for them; this may account for the way God has blessed our na tion so signally. In the face of such anti - Semitism, it behooves every Christian to examine his own heart and to see if there be the slightest “ pin-point” of ill feeling toward the Jewish people, then to ask the Lord to purge the thought from his heart immediately. The fact that God has always blessed those who befriend t h e Jewish people is evident from many Scrip tures. I would like to call your at tention to one found in Jeremiah, chapters 38 and 39. In this passage we have the thrilling account of a Gentile who befriended a Jew with rewarding results. The setting of the story is this: In the year 600 B.C. the Chaldeans over threw Jerusalem and Zedekiah had been made ruler of the city. Most of the Jewish people had been taken captive into Babylon. The Egyptians had threatened an invasion; the Chal deans had fled to Babylon. Shortly after that, the Egyptians left, and the Chaldeans returned to recapture the land. The Jews that were left were determined to withstand the attack. Jeremiah, God’s prophet at that time, invoked the wrath of the King of Israel by warning him that unless he surrendered to the Babylonian in vaders, the city would be burned with the temple and he, the king, would be taken captive to Babylon. Jere-
The Christian’s REWARD for Befriending the J EW S
by Rev. Norman Allensworth*
‘ Superintendent of the Jewish De partment Bible Institute of Los Angeles and Church of the Open Door.
unconditional covenant. But they are in danger of eternity without salva tion unless you and I show our love for them. II The Reward of Reciprocal Compassion Ebed-melech, the Gentile court slave, lifted Jeremiah up out of the pit of death. Jeremiah now lifts him up before the Lord in prayer, and God’s answer is, “ I will deliver thee in that day, saith the Lord” (Jer. 39: 17). It is quite likely that if Jere miah were like some Christians today, he would have forgotten about the Ethiopian after he was freed from the pit. It is so easy to seek relief in time of some great sorrow and then to fail to appreciate the comfort and the help given by the Lord or some per son after the answer arrives. My Christian friend, have you ever stopped to consider what you and I owe to the Jews? Our Bible is Jewish —preserved and guarded through the centuries. Our Saviour, after the flesh, was bom of a Jewish virgin. The early disciples were Jews. The early church was mostly Jewish. And final ly, where would we be today if Paul, a Jew, had not taken the Gospel into Europe? We would be in darkness if this Jewish apostle had not been obedient to the heavenly vision. How can we, my Christian brother and sister, feel that we are not obligated to give the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jewish people of our time? The Apostle Paul wrote under inspiration, “ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ [Messiah]: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Romans 1: 16). God will most assuredly have His reward for those who show com passion by bringing the Gospel to His own ancient people.
the family of God because the Lord reminded him that he had put his tmst in the true and living God. The Lord God of Israel has His own won derful way of blessing those who love the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. See Psalm 122:6— “ Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee [Israel].” You may ask, “What will be my reward for befriending the Jews?” We are not able even to speculate as to what the exact reward may be or how great a blessing it may bring, but we do have the record of God’s dealing with the Ethiopian slave, and a great door of expectancy is open to us. First of all, let me say this: when a person is hired to work, a wage is agreed upon, and he is paid that amount when his service is complet ed. During our term of missionary service in Thailand, which is a con stitutional monarchy, we have seen thousands of people prostrate them selves before their king to do what ever he might bid them do. There is no thought of reward or wages. They gladly serve their sovereign. Jehovah does not tell Ebed-melech what his reward will be for saving the life of Jeremiah the prophet, but He puts the matter in such a way that this slave might expect almost anything. God uses a very strange phrase (see verse 18) “ Thy life shall be for a prey unto thee.” Now, just what does this mean? On the surface it appears to mean very little. The word prey in its ordinary usage means loot or plunder, or for an animal to kill an other animal for food. In a sense, this is the meaning in this story of the Gentile befriender of the Jewish prophet. When a bandit goes out to rob a person on the street, he doesn’t know whether he will obtain one dollar or one thousand dollars. Like wise, the animal going into the forest for food does not know whether he will get a canary or a chicken. So God says, “ Your life shall be for a prey unto thee. I am going to reward and to bless you, Ebed-melech. Not only will you be spared the destruc tion of Jerusalem, but also you will be rewarded above all that you might ask or think.” My beloved Christian, what have you done to befriend a Jewish per son? What have you done to help him find peace with God through his Lord and Saviour?
miah was put into the dungeon with out food or water. The ancient dun geon was a filthy, dark, damp dun geon of death. Was God’s own prophet to die in this manner? God put it into the heart of a Gentile (an Ethiopian) to befriend His Jewish prophet. It took great courage for an Ethiopian court slave to appeal to a furious and wicked king. The Ethiopian’s name was Ebed-melech, and he knew that Jeremiah would surely die if he were allowed to remain in the filthy dun geon. The slave’s appeal was granted, and Jeremiah was spared the horrible death of starvation. This Gentile slave was willing to lay down his life, if necessary, to save God’s servant. WILL JEHOVAH FORGET THIS DARING LABOR OF LOVE? We need only to look at Jeremiah, chapter $9 to find our answer. We shall divide the answer into three divisions: I The Reward of Knowing Jehovah's Plan For The Jewish People Just as surely as Jehovah had a plan for Israel in Jeremiah’s time, just so has He a clearly revealed plan for His Chosen People today. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has been sovereign in all His dealings with His ancient people. The Jewish peo ple reached great heights of blessings while they walked in fellowship with Him, but they slipped to great depths of anguish when they rebelled against His will. For almost 2000 years, the Jewish people have experienced the “ lash” of a grieved Heavenly Father. Some people feel that this gives them the right to have part in Jewish per secution. Banish the thought! Also remember the words in Jeremiah 30: 20, “ I (Jehovah) will punish all that oppress them (Israel).” Again, the Apostle Paul says, “ Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge” (Romans 10:1-2). My Christian brother and sister, there are Jewish people in your neighbor hood, factory, or office who are not mindful of the Word of God and the plan of salvation and are only wait ing to be befriended by a Christian Gentile and to be witnessed to con cerning the Messiah. The Jewish peo ple are God’s covenant people by an
III The Reward of Tremendous Blessing To Those Who Befriend The Jews
In Jeremiah chapter 39, verse 18, the Lord assures Ebed-melech of sev eral things: first, He would deliver him from danger when Jerusalem was attacked; secondly, the Ethiopian’s life would be for a PREY UNTO HIM. It is worthy of note also that this Gentile slave was brought into
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