King's Business - 1961-03

A MESSAGE FROM THE ED ITOR (continued from page 7) of God’s Word, we need not fear to­ morrow, although in the world men’s hearts are failing them for fear, as predicted in the Bible. We who have been indoctrinated in the great truths of the Scriptures and who have put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and

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Dr. Sutherland whose lives are motivated by Him, may look to the future with joy and hope. For while we do not know what the future holds, thank God, we do know the One who holds the future in His blessed hands, and we are confident that He doeth all things well. This is the message that the Christian college has for its youth. The church has the Christian young person only a few hours each week. Think of the hours spent in the col­ lege classroom and the influence upon the lives of the young men and wom­ en that the Christian college may have! Paul wrote to young Timothy of indoctrination: “ . . . The same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). How shall we escape God’s condemnation if we fail our young people in this hour? It is to be regretted that the maga­ zine in which this article appeared and which is making a significant im­ pact upon the Christian life of today should lend itself to propagating such an unfortunate idea as that expressed in this article.


Authorized King James Version EUGEN I A PRICE W OM AN TO W OM AN

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Honest questions by teen­ agers; honest answers by Eugenia Price. Cloth, $2.00; Paper, $1.00.

Made from living my new life. Basic Chris­ tian experiences. Cloth, $2.00; Paper, $1.25.

PRAYER Conversing With God by Rosalind Rinker . . the best, direct, understandable book on prayer I have come across . . 120 pages; Cloth, $2.00; Paper, $1.00. ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE GRANO RAPIDS « , MICHIGAN


YOU . . . I . . . and your WILL j If your possessions are | to be distributed as you wish them to be you must | have a properly executed will regardless of the | value of your estate. Mil- ij

Dear Sirs: I would like further information about: □ Wills □ Deed Agreements □ Investments □ Consultation

Name .................... ..... ..........................

Address ...............................................

City ............................ State .............. STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT The Bible Institute o f L.A., Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Californie

lions of dollars of the Lord's money is lost to His • cause because of the carelessness and lack of I planning by Christians making no provision in the distribution in their estates.

President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

MARCH, 1961


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