homiletical helps
The Editors of The King’s Business invite readers to contribute outlines for sermons for use in this column. W H Y WE MU ST REPENT I. Mark the Necessity of Repentance 1. A s saving from deserved punish ment (Luke 13:3-5; Revelation 2: 5 ; 3 :3 ). 2. As justifying God in the punish ment of sin (Joshua 7:19; Psalms 5 1:4). 3. As a means of forgiveness (Job 33:27, 2 8 ); Luke 24:47). It has many counterfeits. 1. Natural repentance produces a. Alarm (Matthew 27:3-5; Acts 24:25). b. Conviction. c. Confession (I Samuel 25:24, 30). d. Resolutions (Exodus 9:27, 28; 10:16, 17). e. Partial amendment (II Kings 21:27-29). 2. Spiritual repen ice has all these, but it has more. a. Connected with faith (Acts 20: 21 ). •b. Includes a hearty sorrow for sin (II Corinthians 7:10). c. A n entire forsaking of all sin (II Chronicles 33:12). d. A n instant return to God (Hosea 5 :1 5 ; 6 :1 ). e. A n evidence in godly fruits (Matthew 3 :8 ). 1. The gift of Alm ighty God (Eze kiel 3 6:26; Acts 11:18). 2. The blessing of an exalted Saviour (Acts 5 :31). 3. The work of the Holy Spirit Zechariah 12:10). THE RICH FOOL Luke 12:13-21 1. He mistook his body for his soul. A SEVENFOLD V IEW OF THE LOVE OF GOD 1. It is infinite in its character (John 17: 23). 2. It is constraining in its power (II Cor inthians 5 :14). 3. It is inseparable in its object (Romans 8:35-37). 4. It is individual in its choice (Galatians 2 : 20 ). 5. It is universal in its extent (John 3: 16). 6. It is unchanging in its purpose (John 13:1). 7. It is everlasting in its duration (Jere miah 3 1:3). —Charles Ingles II. Mark Its Character III. Mark Its Origin 2. He mistook man for God. 3. He mistook time for eternity. —A. H. Boyd
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MARCH, 1961
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