BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications)
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CAN I KNOW GOD? AND OTHER SERMONS by W. E. Sangster. 176 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, Nashville, $2.75. One of England's and Methodism's greatest preachers of recent times wrote several books about preaching and living the Christian life, but this is the only book of sermons. He died in 1960. THE DAY WE MET CHRIST compiled by M ax Stilson and HOW I FOUND GOD'S WILL FOR MY LIFE compiled by John Sigsworth. 61, 63 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00 each. Each of these twin books contains brief testimonies of fifteen prominent Christians detailing how they were brought to the Lord and how they responded to the call for life serv ice. The contributors are different in each book. WHY DID IT HAPPEN TO ME by David Bel- gum. 110 pages; paper; Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis; $1.75. Answers to ques tions about faith and health by the professor of pastoral theology at Northwestern Lutheran Theo logical Seminary in Minneapolis. Each chapter has questions for discussion. INSPIRING DEVOTIONAL PROGRAMS FOR WOMEN'S GROUPS by Leila T. Ammerman. 62 pages; cloth; W. A. W ilde Co., Natick, Mass.; $ 1.95. A resource book for planners of adult group meetings. Sixteen program outlines with some hints on adult classes and an installation service. THE CROSS AND CRISES by Loyal E. Golf. 102 pages; paper; Augsburg Publishing House, M in neapolis, Minn.; $1.75. A lenten series of seven messages. CHART AND COMPASS FOR CHRISTIAN LAYMEN by Randall E. Burchett. 159 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $3.50. This is a collection of essays based on key Scripture passages designed to help the layman to understand the doctrinal practical aspects of the Christian faith. ‘ The author is a prominent layman himself, active in the Chris tian Business M en's Committee. THE MINISTER IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION by Peter P. Person. 134 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. A general in troduction to the educational role of the minister in church life. ROMAN CATHOLICISM IN THE LIGHT OF SCRIPTURE by F. C. H. Dreyer and E. Weller. 256 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $3.50. Various aspects of the doctrinal and ecclesiastical foundations of the Roman Church are examined and found defective. The treatment is simple, direct, and understandable by the layman. THE PASSION PILGRIMAGE by Erwin Kurth. 123 pages; paper; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $1.50. A warm and stimulating series of messages on the ever old, yet ever new, story of the Cross. BIBLE HIGHWAYS by Ivor Powell, ix, 171 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. A series o f studies on many Bibli cal truths illustrated by homely but striking in cidents from a full life. The author is gifted in saying things differently. AS THY DAYS SO THY STRENGTH by Jesse J. McNeil. 167 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $3.00. Six weeks o f daily de votional messages by a negro minister or the National Baptist Convention. Each message is geared to some quality or characteristic of life. While the author travels in liberal circles, his language is for the most part that o f the evan gelical. CALVIN'S NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES: The Gospel According to St. John, Part One; The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. 278 and 370 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $4.50 and $5.00. Why should we have a new translation o f Calvin's Com mentaries? Calvin studies in recent years have contributed a vast increase o f understanding of his language and his thought, and the transla tors o f these expositions have drawn upon that. Calvin's works will always be looked upon as source material in both Biblical and theological studies. THE INDICTMENT, a novel from behind the Iron Curtain. 95 pages; cloth; $2.00. For security reasons this book is anonymous, but as it was smuggled out o f Eastern Europe it reflects con ditions as they are now. A Gospel o f John in a prison cell brings light to a political prisoner. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.
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THE CREATION At last . . . the most nearly complete version of Haydn’s The Creation sung in English! Here is a thrilling interpretation of this famous choral work, sung by a great 500-voice choir. DuPre Rhame, conductor; Audrey Nossaman, soprano; Claude Rhea, tenor; James Berry, bass. Clifford Tucker, organist; Gloria Westmoreland, pianist. A handsome hinged album protects these two 12-inch, 33 1 /3 rpm recordings. Monophonic or stereophonic $ 7 .9 5 REJOICE AND SING The inspiration and beauty o f twelve familiar hymns are yours in this new recording. R. Paul Green, former director o f the Baptist Hour Choir, conducts the choir of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Among the hymns are When Morning Gilds the Skies; Rejoice, the Lord Is King; America the Beautiful; Thanksgiving Hymn; and 0 Come, All Ye Faithful. 12-inch, 33 1 /3 rpm. Monophonic or stereophonic $3 .9 8 atyour favorite bookseller BROADMAN PRESS
MARCH, 1961
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