Bible ■
by Bolton Davidheiser, Chairman, Scianca Divisian,
science and the
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I t w o u l d no doubt be quite a sur prise to most people to have a man introduced to them by another man as, “My bride,” or to meet a woman who was introduced by another woman as, “My husband.” Yet this sort of thing happens. Because such displays of per version are uncommon, most people do not realize how common perversion really is, and it is thought to be in creasing. For example, it is said that it nearly dominates the world of the theatre and of TV. In one year the State Department of the United States dismissed 119 employees who were homosexuals. This vice was common in ancient Greece and Rome. In the first chapter of his Epistle to the Romans, Paul ex plains that it was due to the fact that men failed to accept the sovereignty of God and to be thankful to Him, in spite of all the evidence in nature that God is the Creator. “For this reason God abandoned them to shameful pas sions. Their women subverted natural functions for the unnatural, and simi larly the men forsook their natural relationships with women and burned with their lust for one another, men committing shamelessness with men and so acquiring in their persons the penalty that was coming to them on account of their wrong behavior” (Berkeley translation). It will be no ticed that we are living in parallel times, for the theory of evolution and the idea that chance combinations ac count for the origin of life are taught in most public schools instead of crea tion by God. It is to be expected that when God is left out as Creator He is also left out of plans which are intended to deal with the problem of perversion. According to a press release, a prominent doctor recommends that both law and custom should permit an adult person to live “ in the sex of his choice.” This atti tude is not new, and this recommen dation has been made before. But if earned out it would have a demoraliz ing influence on society and would doubtlessly increase the amount of perversion, since the evidence at hand indicates that this condition is ac quired through the influence of the environment and not through hor-
monal disorders nor through heredity. Regardless of what it would do for the homosexuals themselves, it is hard to conceive of its being anything but very detrimental to the rest of society. Besides the personal tragedy of per version, there is another aspect which is of great importance. The nature of their disorder causes homosexuals to be anti-social and at the same time promiscuous with others of the same kind. This has brought about an in formal organization which has gained momentum and at the present time has reached such proportions that Dr. R.G. Waldeck calls it the Homosexual International.* Because of the anti social nature of the homosexuals and the anti-Christian position of the Com munists, the two seem to work togeth er rather harmoniously. It appears that the Homosexual International fre quently serves Communist ends. As many homosexuals live a life of fantasy, pretending to be a sex which they are not, they seem to enjoy work which involves playing a role. Besides the obvious opportunity afforded for this in the theatre, they gravitate toward such activities as espionage, where they are very poor security risks. When homosexuals get government positions they tend to gather around themselves more of their own kind. This has at times made considerable difference in the diplomatic relations between countries, when the diplo mats and the men associated with them have been of this kind. Dr. Wal deck believes that some of the more preposterous foreign policy decisions made by our government during the past 25 years could be traced to a group of homosexuals in our State De partment. She also presents evidence that it was a group of perverts in Ger many acting as a government within the government which brought about World War I. Legalizing perversion is not the an swer, and Christians should be aware of the things mentioned here both from the standpoint of protecting their children and, when possible, influen cing legislation the right way. ‘ Current Events. September 29, 1960.
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