King's Business - 1961-03

upon trust, sincerity, and real truth telling. Trust is based upon consistent honesty. Deceit invites long range un­ pleasantness, even though immediate pain may be temporarily avoided. Quarrels and discussions can frequent­ ly clear the air and achieve important ends; such as, understanding and clarification. When truth is of the painful variety, the sharp edges can be softened by diplomacy, timing, humility, and love. Pain may be ex­ perienced, but trust and confidence may have been strengthened. Christian couples should also rec­ ognize that what is told should be true, but that not everything that is true needs to be told. I seldom recom­ mend marriage confessionals; there are too many variables to be con­ sidered. Marital deviation is usually a symptom of a sterile marriage re­ lationship. The pain of bearing this knowledge alone may be a well de­ served consequence of the mistake, but the happiness of the entire family need not be jeopardized by a “ con­ fession.” Even this pain is unneces­ sary since Christ endured adequate suffering. Seek a counselor to whom this problem can be told in order to get professional help and insight. Husbands and wives need, most of all, to agree that when truth is told without modification, it must be re­ ceived and accepted in the same spir­ it. This is the best preventive to mari­ tal unfaithfulness. Many a person has told his partner of the threat he feels from outside stimulation, but this honesty has been received so violently or immaturely that the threatened person is left absolutely alone with the problem. Couples must face the fact that no one can live and not be attractive to others outside the marriage. Who would want to think of his marriage partner as being so uninteresting as to be immune from outside attention? These attractions should be handled as any other temp­ tation, but they must be handled to­ gether as mature adults. Happy is the Christian couple who enjoys such a basic understanding that when nor­ mal threats come, they can face them together with the Lord Who under­ stands. This mature approach is upon the premise that truth will be ac­ cepted and that the honest partner will be honored for his or her basic regard for the marriage. When these dimensions are under­ stood, wouldn’t you agree that the statement “ It is all right to modify the truth to avoid unpleasantness in the home” is wrong? Are you build­ ing your marriage on this basic foundation of understanding and ac­ ceptance?

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MARCH, 1961

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