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items of interest about Biola
'C R IS IS IN M O R A L IT Y " NEW F ILM PRODUCT ION NOW READY FOR D ISTR IBU T IO N “ Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people,” so starts the narration of the new Biola documen,tary spiritual survey concerning t h e sickness in society which is spreading across our nation today. Produced by Mr. Virgil Wem- mer, head of the Biola Film Depart ment, directed by Mr. Robert Bolen, and narrated by Mr. A1 Sanders, Biola vice-president of Public Rela-
Dr. Theron E. Elgin, who was af filiated with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles’ Stewardship Department for
n e a r l y t h r e e decades as a Field R e p r e s e n t a t i v e , went home to be with the Lord Jan uary 23 in Glen dale. Bom in Honea Pass, South Caro lina, Dr. Elgin was 84 years of age. He is survived by his
Dr. T. E. Elgin
widow, Mrs. Mary M. Elgin, Bur bank; two sons, Paul M. Elgin of Montrose, and David P. Elgin of Long Beach; and two daughters, Rosalee Welles of Las Vegas, and Mrs. Eliza beth E. Martin of Salinas. Dr. Elgin was a Baptist minister for 60 years, holding pastorates in At lanta, Georgia, Knoxville, Tennessee and Winslow, Arizona. He served for a number of years as President of the Baptist Collegiate Institute of South ern Baptists in Georgia. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Lawrence R. Bailey, Temple Bap tist Church, Los Angeles, with Rev. Ray Weiskopf and Mr. Eugene Poole, both of the Bible Institute Steward ship Department, assisting. B IO LA LA M IR A D A CAM PU S CENTER FOR YOUTH A C T IV IT IE S While all visitors are always wel come to the new Biola Campus in La Mirada, special times are set aside for High School Hospitality Days. Pictured here are just a few of the
Virgil Wemmer, producer, checks camera. tions, the film has now been com pleted and is ready for showing in churches. The film clearly points out that the moral degeneracy which our nation experiences reveals itself in many symptoms. Among these are crime and juvenile delinquency, immorality,
"The Bible Institute Hour” KBBI 107.5 me 8:30 A .M . Monday through Friday AMAZON MISSION
Al Sanders, narrator, on camera. divorce, alcoholism, profanity, gam bling, narcotics, and pornography. Special film sequences have been ob tained from numerous sources point ing up the fact that these alarming trends are growing rapidly. The spir itual message of the production clear ly shows that while these symptoms of moral sickness are seen on every hand in our society, yet the real cause of the disease is sin in the human heart.
mentary sequences from the Upper Amazon — Living conditions and problems of indigenous missionary endeavor — Effectively used by missionary candidates or missionaries on fur lough itineraries 16mm COLOR SOUND
High school students meet at La Mirada. young people who recently enjoyed the fellowship and atmosphere of this evangelical Christian training center. Pastors, youth leaders and Chris tian education directors should con tact Mr. Willis Toms, Biola registrar, for further information.
Camera crew checks final shot.
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