King's Business - 1961-03

■ Leonard Showalter ’57, California; He has accepted the pastorate of the Grace Trinity Church of Poway, California. Pre­ viously he had been Minister of Christian Education at the Carlsbad Union Church, Carlsbad, California. Fred ’49 and Evelyn (Boswell ’47) Glea­ son, Arizona: “Fred spent ten days last month at the camp in Flagstaff working with the 23 boys in our boys’ camp. There were many decisions for the Lord and much spiritual growth. W e praise Him for what He did in the lives of those boys. W e have just taken home the girls from their camp. There were about 40 girls.” Recently there was a combined birth­ day party and Classen family reunion at the home of Harry ’49 and Alma (Classen ’47)Bascom. Albert ’46 and Evelyn (Dick ’46) Classen have recently returned from their third term in Nigeria under S.I.M ., with their two boys. Leo and Zarita (Miller) Classen had just returned for their first furlough from Korea, working with T E AM , with their three children. Mrs. Peter Classen of Dinuba, grandmother of all the ten children present (cousins) and her daughter were present as well as the B. W . Bascoms, grandparents of four of the children. The Albert Classens will be in Dallas as A1 will be attending the semi­ nary. Harry is now a Juvenile chaplain with the Christian Jail Workers Associa­ tion. Charles ’57 and Barbara (Vobora ’57) Van De Wetering, California: They have left for Mexico to work with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Marguerite Lofthus ’28, Julian, Cali­ fornia: God is meeting the needs of the mortgage on their meeting place, called, “A House of Prayer.” This building will seat 75 and have a dorm that will take care of 40. “Before having this, I had to turn down groups that exceed 20, be­ cause of lack of dormitory space. Besides that, I am surely looking forward to the time when this community will have a Light-house. These mountains are filled with retired artists, writers, and business people.” Benjamin M . Schafer ’58 is the assistant pastor at the Lutheran Cross Church in Fresno, California. Lowell C. Wendt ’40 and his wife (Marie E. Gunther ’40) are serving at the Hope Union Church in Rosemead, Cali­ fornia. M r. Wendt is president of the In­ dependent Fundamental Churches of America. Eleanor Kingman ’49, Hawaii: “ It took two sad incidents to awaken our young people to the realization that they do not and cannot live unto themselves and that they are their brother’s keeper. Two of our teenagers got into trouble with the law— because they had too much time on their hands. Both were freed with a warn­ ing. These incidents led to four groups of young people adopting the ‘buddy-


Areas & Station


Time Days

system’ to befriend some of our shy and indifferent ones, to give them the feeling of ‘belong-ness,’ and to pray for them. W e trust this will have a far-reaching effect upon those who are helping and those who are being helped.” Dale ’55 and Barbara (Voncilie ’58) Love, Redondo Beach, California: “ Dale is working as a carpenter foreman and with the young people at the Del Amo Baptist Church (CBA) in Torrance. Barbara is teaching in the Torrance Uni­ fied School district. She will be teaching 4-5-6 multigrade next year.” Peter and Yvonne (Zimmer ’48) Nicolay, La Mirada, California: “The doctor has not given medical clearance for our re­ turn to the Philippines, and our mission has given us a temporary assignment as West Coast Representatives.” Pearl Heath *41, furlough: After a one year furlough, she has returned to her mission field in South Africa. Patricia H. Major ’42, India: “ I am more and more aware of the fact that we are in the last days; the pressures, prob­ lems, and attacks of then enemy are more concentrated than at any time I can recall in the past 15 years. The secret of en­ durance lies in our personal relationship to Christ and our conscious experience of His presence— and in your faithful in­ tercession for us.” Paul and Carolyn (McCormick ’42) London, Furlough: After enjoying a fur­ lough, their hearts look forward to return­ ing to their African (West) field. Dorothy Hosking ’33, ’43, Kentucky: “M y Mother, is now with her Lord and Master. Several friends expressed their de­ sire to establish a Memorial Fund which would be used in some special phase of my missionary work. After praying and think­ ing it over, I could think of no better way that Mother would want me to use the money than to buy Bible Teaching ma­ terials for the children and young people’s work.” Jim and Catherine (Callaway ’51) Cook, Utah: “W e praise the Lord for Jim’s very fruitful trip to the Navajo Reserva­ tion. Seventeen papers were signed to change students to our class with a num­ ber of others expected to be signed later. W e are looking forward to erecting a small chapel soon.” Duane ’56, ’60 and Barbara (Chase ’55) Lindsey, North Carolina: Duane is serv­ ing as Professor of Systematic Theology at Piedmont Bible College and Barbara is teaching kindergarten in the Salem Bap­ tist Day School. Mary Hunter ’28, Cameroon, W e s t Africa: “A Theological Seminary is soon to be built in Yaounde in which Protes­ tant Churches in French-speaking Africa are nearly all interested. One exception is the former Belgian Congo which had been making plans for a union seminary of its own.”


Bakersfield-Wasco KWSO Chico-Marysville KHSL


9:30 A.M. M TW TF


8:30 A.M. Sun.

Eureka KDAN El Centro KAMP


8:00 A.M. Sun.


8:00 A.M. Sun.

Fresno-Dinuba KRDU


9:30 A.M. M W F

Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER Los Angeles-Burbank KBLA 1490

1390 11:00 A.M. M TW TF

9:00 A.M. M TW TF

Los Angeles KBBI

107.5 (FM)

8:30 A.M. M TW TF

Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 Sacramento-Lodi-Stockton KCVR

8:30 A.M. M W F

1570 10:30 A.M. W M F

Sacramento KEBR


10:00 A.M. M W F

Redding-Red Bluff KSDA San Bernardino KITO


8:30 A.M. M W F


8:30 A.M. M W F

San Diego XEMO San Francisco KGO San Francisco KEAR


8:00 A.M. MW F


9:00 P.M. M W F

97.3 (FM)

10:30 A.M. M TW TF

San Jose-Santa Cruz-San Francisco KLOK

1170 11:00 A.M. M W F

San Luis Obispo KVEC


7:30 A.M. Sun.




8:30 A.M. MW F


Albany-Eugene KWIL Ash land-Medford KRVC Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO Klammath Falls KAGO Bend KBND


8:00 A.M. M TW TF


8:00 A.M. M W F


8:00 A.M. Sun.

8:30 A.M. M W F



9:00 A.M. Sun.

Portland KPDQ

800 11:30 A.M. M TW TF

W A S H IN G T O N Blaine-Bellingham (Vancouver, B.C.) KARI

550 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 630 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 1330 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 900 10:30 A.M. MWF 980 8:00 A.M. Sun. ID A H O 1490 8:00 A.M. MWF

Seattle-Tacoma KGDN Spokane KCFA Walla Walla


Wenatchee KUEN Yakima


Caldweîl-Boise KBGN

8:30 A.M. MTWTF


94.1 (FM)

8:30 A.M.



8:30 A.M. Tues.-Thurs



PuebIo-Colorado Springs KFEL

970 8:30 A.M. MWF A R IZ O N A

Phoenix KHEP Tuscon KTUC

1280 9:00 A.M. MTWTF

8:30 A.M. Sun.



Birmingham, Ala. WSFM

93.7 (FM) 8:30 A.M. MTWTF H elp k eep Ike G ospel on the air 9Tll Christ com es in the alrt T h e B i b l e I n s t i t u t e H o u LOS ANG ELES 17, CALIF.

MARCH, 1961


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