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# 1
I have just read your article “Academic Freedom” and certainly appreciate this clear, strong statement. I particularly liked your reference to the difference between genuine scholarship and “the irresponsible excursions into one’s mental aberrations which lead only to high-sounding ideas couched in multi-syllabic words which may or may not mean a thing to the reader or the hearer.” A few weeks ago I did a series of talks at chapel on modernism and the “new evangelicalism” and pointed out the fact that in this day verbosity is often sub stituted for accuracy of expression. Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., President, Bob Jones Univer sity, Greenville, South Carolina. Just a word of appreciation for all of the editorials by Dr. Sutherland. I look for ward month by month to both the blessing and instruction I am always assured of receiving from them. M ay God’s richest blessing rest upon the staff and all who assist in making TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS a magazine sound in the faith. Mary Lyons, Hackensack, New Jersey. MORE ON EDITORIALS Just a brief note to tell you that I con tinue to enjoy your editorials. I especially like the one on “Academic Freedom.” Praise the Lord! W e are certainly living in a day when the “ ancient landmarks” are being removed and the “ good old paths” are being forsaken. Dr. Jack Wyrtzen, International Director, Word o f Life Fellowship, New York, New York. CALLING ALL COPIES W e have a request from the Baptist library in Manila for all back issues of TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS that can be found. They send their senior seminary students out to the market place to give them out and they are getting decisions by that means. W e would appreciate it very much if you could speak of our need in your column READER REACTION. W e are getting a few from our mailing list at present, but we need more. Thank you for this help. Logan Papworth, Christian Salvage Mission, Howell, Michigan. APPRECIATES STAND I have just read my latest issue of TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS which I look forward to every month. The magazine was given to me by a friend, and I real ize by comparison what a sound, funda mental magazine yours is. There are good things in some Christian publications and also some weak or compromising features, but K ING ’S BUSINESS is always depend able. M ay God bless and continue to use you for His glory. Mrs. W. R. Williamson, Jr., Carlsbad, New Maxlco. THE KING’S BUSINESS
Recently I learned that TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS would be sent to our family as a gift. This proves to be a word of great joy to all of our hearts, like a re freshing sparkle of water upon dry ground. Our family wishes to express to your staff sincerest appreciation for the won derful monthly spiritual blessings we know we shall receive. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison, Chung Li, Taiwan, Republic o f China. E d itor ’ s N o te : A s readers to THE KING’S BUSINESS give to our “free fund,” they receive tax deduction and we in turn send gift subscriptions to mission aries, prison chaplains and servicemen around the world. At the present time our “free fund !” is depleted with many calls and many needs to which we urgently hope to respond. We prayerfully trust that this reminder might be sufficient as the Lord speaks to your heart. KING 'S BUSINESS RECOMMENDED When we asked our pastor to recom mend the best Christian publication avail able, he told us that of all those he re ceives, yours is the most superior. Please enter our subscription. I intend to pass it along to a Christian serviceman. Mrs. Floyd R. Wallace, Duncansville, Penna. RURAL M IN IST R Y OF K ING 'S BUSINESS Your magazine certainly answers a long felt need of our church for a constructive publication dedicated to the upliftment of Christians everywhere. It is the best magazine to come to our rural populations who could not have access to any library.* Rev. Liberate Martinito, Philippine Mlssionaiy Fellowship, CarrascaJ, Surigao, Philippines. VERSE FROM READER How happy I am to be a part of your readership family. After the last war, this verse seemed to be so important to con sider. I’d like to pass it on to you: The lurking serpent still seeks place, In home, and church, and state. Let us beware and keep him out, Before it is too late. The world is in a great turmoil. How thankful I am for fellowship with other Christians through your publication. Jane Robertson, GrassHeId, Yell, Shetland. LETTER FROM PRINTER Please enter m y subscription for two years and date back to the January, 1960 issue. I work at Church Press (where TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS is printed), and wish to keep m y own copies without taking “ scrap copies” from the shop. Mr. Samual W. Tatnall, Glendale, Calif. E ditor ’ s N o te : This is a real encourage ment to our staff.
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